Friday, April 28, 2006

Nintendo Revolution Goes Wii

We all had about a day or so to digest the news that the next Nintendo video game console has changed names from Revolution to Wii (pronounced like "We"). After looking over dozens of forums I am getting the hint that most gamers disagree with this name change.

Many are calling it a weak name, describing it with names like "gay," "girlie" or "just not cool." Wii, I suppose, isn't a very cool name. But let's be realistic here, how many video game systems actually do have cool names? When we first heard the term "Playstation" most thought Sony was insane. If you look at the history of video game systems names most fall under the category of lame, uncool or unoriginal. Some examples are the Master System, Nintendo Entertainment System and it's follow up the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, there's one for originality for you.

Plus, we can't forget the system with probably the weakest name ever also happens to be the bestselling video game system ever. Can you say Gameboy?

In the end, all this talk about a video game system having an uncool name is ridiculous. Who cares what a video game system is called, they never had great names to begin with and it's supposed to be all about the games, right? Besides, since when did video gamers know what "cool" is?


1. The Sopranos Video Game
2. Play Genesis & TurboGrafx 16 On Nintendo Revolution (Wii)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea dude, seriosly. Japan defines what cool is. Just because you think it's not cool does not mean Japan doesn't. XBox is a cool name but Microsoft made it hence they know what's cool, they pay people to pay people to pay people to interogate teens on what's cool. They research kids on what cool would be like, dude they changed xbox 2 to 360 because they figured xbox 2 would be less cool than PS3. Japan doesn't have bottomless pockets like MS does. Seriosly this country is all about what looks/sounds cool. In the end people finally give over to the actual entertainment. I think all these men need to stop their whining/bitching, they are sounding like little girls/fags.

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree a thousand times with that.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Sega Genesis is a cool name...

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in the UK the Sega Gensesis was called the Sega Mega Drive, that was a cool name. But I like wii, its the thing the size of three stacked DVD cases with innocent characters like mario, etc... come on, its nintendo - what do u expect?

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love Nintendo, eh? They couldn't f*** this up if they tried though. I'll still be buying it, sooner or later.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i guess god said, but the nintendo is targeting not hard core gamers like most of us but older generations"grandparents" what the hell and girls so i guess the name is ok but nintendo could have been the first system ever to have a cool name

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what does he mean by "But let's be realistic here, how many video game systems actually do have cool names?," they all have pretty good names, just not the crappy Wii. Worst console ever.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the wii name is just for cheap publicity.. since it was announce, everyone's talking about it.. why? because it's a shit name.. and nintendo wants us to talk about their console.. whether it has shit name or not.. look at e3.. they got the most attention.. why? because everyone wonders what nintendo has on the table compared to sony or m$ and what they'll make up for the shit name..

anyway.. if e3 is the indication of what's to come.. i know which system i'll buy at launch..

gameplay>>>graphics :thumbup:

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Firstly, attacking the blogger under no clear cicumstance calling him 'lame' is "uncool". Also, using homophobic slur is a indication of someone's sensibility and irrational thinking towards the subject. All the more reason why people shouldn't take you seriously. Mind you, I'm neither for or against homos but that's besides the point and digressing. In short, I'll just say, Zi, that you made a blatant loop hole in your statement. No medals for guessing what your errors are but do take the time to think over what you've posted here.

Wii, IMO, is a clever PR move. Not exactly 'THE best' but certainly has a ring. It might grow on me.

btw, make sure you read this. Let's just call it small 'enlightenment":


12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The name is also a selling device, Nintendo wanted publicity for it's new console and people are definitely talking about it. People are constantly using it as a pun replacing anything that sounds like "we" with Wii.
And besides, people would just have to get over it. You don't see people still making fun of the XBox's size, the Dreamcast's controller anymore.

2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone who judges a system because of its name is an idiot. who cares what they named it. the fact of the matter is that its gonna kick some butt and "wii" are gonna love it!

2:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The name "Wii" is a little bit "Puu" in my opinion, but the console will be excellent in its niche

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wii Bout to fcuk you bitchez up

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE the idea of Wii, finally a name that actually suits a video game system!

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First I thought the name really sucked, but who gives a fuck :S Happy Tree Friends is also a stupid name but then again, who gives a fuck. Like you find your name cool :D

6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Nintendo Wii does have a bit of a crappy name, But i dont thik that matters, I mean afterall, Isnt the point of a gaming system to enjoy the games themselves and their content, rather than a name, Thats like meeting a dude and his name is Knobknockers, you cant judge him by his name lmao.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the hell is cool anyway, geeks are cool at the moment, but no doubt in 6 months we'll hate them again and despise their intelligence...that said, i really need the loo, see you later peeps, i'm off for a Wii

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

5:52 PM  

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