Friday, March 24, 2006

Play Genesis & TurboGrafx 16 On Nintendo Revolution

It was previously announced that Nintendo's next generation console, the Revolution, which is designed to compete with the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, will have an online library of games available for download.

Now, according to a story on USA Today's Web Site, Nintendo's online gaming service also will offer Sega and TurboGrafx games.

Playing Genesis games on a Nintendo console may seem a bit odd, especially to old school gamers who might remember the heated rivalry between Nintendo and Sega during the height of the 16-bit era video games with the Sega Genesis and Nintendo's Super Nintendo and the 8-bit era with Sega's Master System and Nintendo's Entertainment System.

While most of these games have been available as illegal emulated ROMs or playable on GameTap's online service, it will be interesting to actually play them on a home console and especially interesting playing them on a Nintendo console given the history.

It will sure be fun playing Phantasy Star, Wonder Boy and Alex Kidd on the Revolution.

Related News:

1. Gametap Signs New Publishers
2. Relive your video game youth (for a small subscription fee)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the Revolution, which is designed to compete with the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3"

Just to be picky, it's a well documented fact that the console is not designed to compete with them, rather open up new audiences to the console and expand playability to everyone, not just the hardcore gaming/media centre audience.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares old games are not that fun and some are over 10 YEARS OLD... Plus most people play them on their Xbox, As well as arcade games and every system you can name... Stupid ass Nintendo.

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Its pretty cool.... But um if you can download those games for free (illegal or not) what does nintendo have to gain by doing this? I guess this keeps people from hacking the system to do that anyway. Bla bla bla I probably won't buy a nintendo revolution anyway..

12:30 AM  

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