Monday, April 17, 2006

Husband Moves To Roof Of His House To Protest Wife

Ever get into a fight with your significant other and end up on the couch? How about the roof? No?

James Wilson decided to leave the sanctuary of his and his wife's bedroom to live on the roof after she refused to stop allowing their two children to sleep with them each night.

"We get all the intimacy we need," Valentina Wilson, James wife said. But it is clear that Mr. Wilson does not agree with how his wife feels.

His decision to move out onto the roof also has sparked interest from who recognized him as gambler of the week. "I saw this story and just laughed out loud," Maria Marmo, Head of Media Relations for said. "This was a winner for the Gambler of the Week contest because they are both gambling with their marriage. I got a combo out of this story. I am no one to judge, but something is definitely wrong, and what's at risk right now is more than just the bedroom."

We'll keep you posted if he decides to move back into the bedroom or live on the roof indefinetly. But, you may find news about it quicker over at Wilson's blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

5:52 PM  

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