Friday, April 28, 2006

Nintendo Revolution Goes Wii

We all had about a day or so to digest the news that the next Nintendo video game console has changed names from Revolution to Wii (pronounced like "We"). After looking over dozens of forums I am getting the hint that most gamers disagree with this name change.

Many are calling it a weak name, describing it with names like "gay," "girlie" or "just not cool." Wii, I suppose, isn't a very cool name. But let's be realistic here, how many video game systems actually do have cool names? When we first heard the term "Playstation" most thought Sony was insane. If you look at the history of video game systems names most fall under the category of lame, uncool or unoriginal. Some examples are the Master System, Nintendo Entertainment System and it's follow up the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, there's one for originality for you.

Plus, we can't forget the system with probably the weakest name ever also happens to be the bestselling video game system ever. Can you say Gameboy?

In the end, all this talk about a video game system having an uncool name is ridiculous. Who cares what a video game system is called, they never had great names to begin with and it's supposed to be all about the games, right? Besides, since when did video gamers know what "cool" is?


1. The Sopranos Video Game
2. Play Genesis & TurboGrafx 16 On Nintendo Revolution (Wii)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Husband Moves To Roof Of His House To Protest Wife

Ever get into a fight with your significant other and end up on the couch? How about the roof? No?

James Wilson decided to leave the sanctuary of his and his wife's bedroom to live on the roof after she refused to stop allowing their two children to sleep with them each night.

"We get all the intimacy we need," Valentina Wilson, James wife said. But it is clear that Mr. Wilson does not agree with how his wife feels.

His decision to move out onto the roof also has sparked interest from who recognized him as gambler of the week. "I saw this story and just laughed out loud," Maria Marmo, Head of Media Relations for said. "This was a winner for the Gambler of the Week contest because they are both gambling with their marriage. I got a combo out of this story. I am no one to judge, but something is definitely wrong, and what's at risk right now is more than just the bedroom."

We'll keep you posted if he decides to move back into the bedroom or live on the roof indefinetly. But, you may find news about it quicker over at Wilson's blog.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Largest HD Video Screen Revealed, 1,750 Inches!

There were talks in Miami that the Dolphins' stadium would get a name change and new logo. The new logo is the one seen to the right and the name change is a drop of the "s" from Dolphins to Dolphin Stadium.

Also, revealed Monday, was the stadium's new 1,750 inch HD video monitor, now the largest of its kind in the world, according to a Dolphin Stadium press release.

The display was built and installed by Daktronics. You can watch a pretty cool video of how they installed the mother-of-all HD screens by going here.

Now, if I can somehow fit one of these babies inside my living room.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Over-the-Counter HIV Test

HIV and AIDS have been haunting the world for over 20 years. While there has yet to be a cure, there have been many devlopments over the years to help prevent patients with HIV from growing into AIDS.

Hundreds of thousands of people have HIV and aren't even aware of it. Mostly because they never get tested, and some are too embarrased to get tested.

Now, like home pregnancy tests, a New York based company is set to release an over-the-counter home HIV test. This is a significant step forward and one that will make testing for the disease much easier and more discreet.

However, this method of testing does not come without controversy. Some feel that those who see a positive result for having HIV without supervision can become depressed or even suicidal.

Chembio Diagnostics, Inc. is the company that's preparing to sell the rapid home test for HIV. They expect approval from the FDA for two of their home testing kits.

"People often refuse to use HIV/AIDS clinics for fear of discovery, embarrassment, lack of convenience and/or long waiting periods," Larry Siebert, Chief Executive Officer of Chembio Diagnostics Inc. says. "At-home testing could greatly benefit this significant demographic."

You know, I can't wait to get a hold of one of these. Imagine how much at ease you can feel when you take that ugly drunk skank home from the bar, give her one of these tests and boom, no more worries about HIV.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Time To Drop The Drop?

I remember years ago I would tune into a music awards ceremony on TV, like the MTV video awards, and I would hear rappers use the term "drop" when describing the release of their next album. You know, sort of like "...and my new CD drops August 12." In a slang sort of way it was somewhat cool to hear someone describe it this way instead of saying "my CD is coming out then" or "my CD is being released then."

However, maybe it's just me, but I've noticed this term being way overused. And in no way should it be used when talking about technology news.

It seems every where I look lately, I see this term. It's in places such as and

What bothers me about the term is not so much that it was somewhat cool almost 10 years ago, people know I still use un-cool-once-cool-words, but it's the fact that it confuses the hell out of me when I see headlines like "Magellan drops three new RoadMate GPS devices." It just reads to me like a headline saying Magellan decided not to produce three of their RoadMate GPS devices. I don't know if these writers are using the word to try and be cool or not, but I have two helpful words...STOP IT!

Look people, consumed goods are not dropped as if they were parachuted out of an airplane and magically landing in your favorite store. They are released, shipped and delivered. So, even though the UPS and FedEX guy make it seem like all they do is drop our delivered goods around judging by the way boxes are either ripped or crushed, let's remember to try and find other words to describe this process.