Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Diet Mountain Dew Gets A New Taste

It seems launching new soft drinks are becoming a regular thing lately. For example in less than a year we saw the introductions of Coke with Lime, Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, Black Cherry Vanilla Coke and the list goes on.

Now, Pepsi Co. is introducing a revamped taste to Diet Mountain Dew.

"It turns out that the majority of Dew drinkers have voted in favor of the new 'tuned up taste' of Diet Mountain Dew," says Frank Cooper, vice president of flavored soft drinks, Pepsi-Cola North America. "Their seal of approval makes this a great time to introduce everyone- both new and veteran Dew drinkers- to the new taste of Diet Mountain Dew."

The new Diet Dew has a new blend of sweeteners including Aspartame, Sucralose and ASK (Acesulfame Potassium). This will be the first change for the Diet Mountain Dew formula in 15 years. While Diet soft drinks are bigger sellers than their regular counterparts, I never been a fan of them. I figured if you're gonna drink it, drink the real thing.


Blogger Jeremy QA Gibbens said...

I realize PepsiCo did plenty of taste test panels, market research, and number crunching, but I feel like they've locked those of us who LOVE the original flavor out in the cold. I'm in touch with a lot of Diet Mountain Dew fans who are just as ticked off, if not downright despondent about this change because we find the new flavor to be utterly putrid. I drank DMD because I specifically liked DMD and don't care much for regular MD.

I've started an info page and an online petition to PepsiCo to change the formula back or reintroduce original DMD under a new label.

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taste test? loyal fans? The only thing worse than the taste of "Tuned Up Taste" Diet Mountain Dew is the lies PepsiCo is presently spreading to cover an obvious cost cutting measure doomed to utter failure.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have drank Diet Mt. Dew since it came out. This new Tuned Up Taste is disqusting and tastes like carbonized crap. Please change it back to the original Dt. Mt. Dew version. Otherwise you have lost a very loyal customer and I will never drink the Tuned Up Taste crap again. Everytime there is an accidental buying of the crap it goes into the trash or I return it!

12:36 PM  

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