Wednesday, March 08, 2006

No More Lions, Tigers and Bears At The Circus?

The Department For Environment in London, announced plans to ban traveling circuses from using certain wild animals in circus performances.

"I have previously made it clear that I sympathize with the view that performances by some wild animals in traveling circuses are not compatible with meeting their welfare needs, " Animal Welfare Minister Ben Bradshaw said in a statement to the House of Commons. "The Animal Welfare Bill will itself represent a significant step forward: Clause 8 imposes a requirement that someone responsible for an animal, such as a circus proprietor, should meet its reasonable welfare needs."

Honestly, I believe it is about time something like this happens. I never really enjoyed going to the circus when most of the animals seemed like they really didn't want to be there, or didn't seem like they were treated properly. If I had a choice, I'd rather see the animals in a zoo than a circus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, I have always hated circus' for the same reason.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally... I can go back to the circus :) Nice to see some good happening!

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very happy to hear that! No more animals in the is so wrong and leave them alone in the safari. Zoo is something I am not fondly of because of jailed they are in but better than in the circuses of course. I can't wait! Those people must be stopped!

9:11 PM  

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