Monday, February 27, 2006

Silent Hill Movie Poster Winner Unveiled

Sony's TriStar Pictures announced Monday afternoon the winner of the Silent Hill Movie poster contest. Chuck Waite, of El Cerrito, CA., won the poster competition over four other finalists.

The winning poster, which can be seen on the film's website, will be on display in theaters across the country prior to release of the film. Waite will also receive a cash prize of $2500.

The contest began on December 5, 2005 when Sony TriStar Pictures asked for fans and ametuer artists to sumbit artwork for a movie poster for the upcoming film Silent Hill. More than 2,050 sumbissions were received.

Silent Hill will be released to theatres on April 21, 2006.

Related News:

1. Silent Hill Movie Poster Finalists Announced
2. Black Venom Costume For Spiderman 3?


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