Friday, February 24, 2006

Black Venom Costume For Spiderman 3?

Look at this picture folks, it may seem you are looking at a black and white photo, but look again. Spiderman is wearing a black costume in this photo. I wonder if it will stay that way for the movie.

Here is a newer photo from the Spiderman 3 trailer:


1. Spiderman 3 Teaser Trailer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, he's not. It's just a monochrome picture. Or, black and white if you prefer.

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares????????

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It means that there is a good chance that Venom will be in the next movie. Venom is by far the best villian :D

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what if its the metalic armor he wears in one of the comics?

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's the metallic armor then that movie deserves to be boycotted. In any case, it's not the symbiote costume, I would hope they wouldn't ruin the design with all that webbing.

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's the metallic armor then that movie deserves to be boycotted. In any case, it's not the symbiote costume, I would hope they wouldn't ruin the design with all that webbing.

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He really is wearing a black suit in the movie. I get occasional emails from Sony Pictures, and they confirmed it.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shit looks sick im pretty sure its going to be venom in the next spider man veniom is the coolest villian in marvel after Magneto..

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well venom is in the movie being played by topher grace of that 70s show. but no the picture is not of the black costume

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

forgive me for seeming anybit like a media zombie, but i first came across this pic in the newspaper, and the said flat out that this is not a monochrome picture, but spider man is INDEED wearing a black outfit, and i dont think they can give such missleading info in the newspaper, atleast not so near to the movie's release

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, if it is Venom, then all the better.

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

both venom and sandman are the villains - as it popd out of kirstin dunst mouth on accident a long while ago

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

READ ME! it actualy says on the OFFICAL!!! yes offical WEBSITE, THAT IT ISNT A MONOCHROME/black n white Picture its a coloured picture and hes wearing the Black suit that becomes venom!!!!!!

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I don't really care about the movie, if you look closely at the picture, you can see blues and greens in the sky and costume. Doesn't look like a grayscale picture to me.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally don't believe that they will put venom as a "large" character in the third one. Topher Grace has not been confirmed as a villian (as far as I know), just as a cast member. Spider-Man must first get his symbiote and ultimately reject this new costume/being. I think that this is the reason for the black suit. A lot of fans know about Venom and Carnage, but I don't think that they put enough thought into the back story/origin of both of them. I really want to see Venom, but I think that he and Carnage will need their own movie. It is already established that Flint Marko (Sandman) will be in the third one, and I think adding in a complex and huge character such as Venom, isn't the wisest choice. We don't know what Topher Grace is doing, but he has not the body to match comics/cartoons Eddie Brock's massive frame. Dunst did report that Sandman and Venom will be in it, but I also seem to remember her doing an interview for the second one that was incorrect as well. IF he appears, it could also just be that he appears at the end. Just as we saw in the first one where Harry finds his dads green goblin stockade. As it stands, I don't know what's next. Most poeple don't. Those are just my thoughts. All I do know is I can't wait for the film and don't want to get my hopes up about such a predictably phenomenal (sp? ;) character such as Venom. Raimi has done right by book so far and I only hope he'll continue to do so.

sigh, still over a year away.


PS. Feel free to pick holes in my response, later folks.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well venom can't be in a film if spidy dose not get to have the costume 1st. and come on people the pic is in mono, they do that with a lot of posters nowdays (some matrix posters used black and green)

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assuming they are putting in Eddie Brock Venom not Spiderman in the sybiote costume.

He isn't Spiderman wearing a costume, at least not that Venom. First of all, Eddie Brock Venom is huge. Not wimpy like spiderman, hes muscular and very big. Hes got a lot of spider type symbols on his costume. Venom has no webbing in his costume. Venom is part symbiote, his head is not like a humans which I hope they exploit in the movie.

Its highly doubtful that thats even the Spiderman Venom costume. Also the luminosities of the differant parts of the suit (photoshopper speaking :D) appear to correspond with the red and blue pattern.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't anyone notice that this is double posted. The post before this one is about the same picture...

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right just read down all of ya comments especially the divvies who said its just a black and white pic. to the guys who made tha comment ya wrong i got an e-mail off the site saying its spiderman in a black and white costume, it might be the symbiot or it might be a new look. some are sayin its not the venom costume it might not be, but consider the fact that it might be the alien symbiot covering itself over the orignal costume making it that the colour changes to black and white and the pattern of the costume stayin the same, pretty good idea if ya ask me obviously it aint venom as of the size an the huge tongue sticking out but it might change when venom puts it on but untill we see tha pic lets just keep an open mind shall we.

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok im going to clear this u...i am the spiderman god (i know i have no life) that is a B&W pic of spiderman the venom costume is solid black w/ a white square on the back of each hand and a giant white spider on the front...with no webbing designs anywere else.

no mattter how bad you want it that is not venom in the pictue

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys are fuckin basement geeks. who gives a flying fuck about spiderman.
Go fuck a bitch , get drunk , get so fuckin high that you think you're spiderman.
i hope his new suit will be pink and his ass uncovered so u nerdies can fantasize about him. FAGNUTS !

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Venom + Carnage = Best Marvel Movie

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't argue that this isnt a black costume since it was announced in the official website. LINK:
In any case, my "theory" is that Venom WILL NOT be a villain in the movie, but in fact, Spider-Man will be the hero and Venom costume. When Peter Parker becomes Venom, he is not a villain, he is a hero whose strength becomes greater w/ his new black suit. Then "Venom" tries to lure Peter Parker into being a bad guy, but Peter rejects the suit. Basically, the entire movie will focus on Peter Parker struggling to remain a good guy while he fights off the spirit of the suit and the urge to become a villain. Eddie Brock is definetly going to be in the movie, but not as a villain until the very end of the movie where he comes across the suit himself, and becomes Venom. That will be the end of Spider-Man 3, and Spider-Man 4 will be the story of Spider-Man v. Venom.

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spiderman's costume IS going to be black and white. Symbiote or not, the costume was officially stated to be Spiderman's new costume.
P.S. Topher Grace is going to be venom.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to u retards that don't believe venom will be in the next movie open your magnifier and look at spiderman's left eye, yes that is venom bitches

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Venom is in the movies I repeat Venom is in the movies, my proof: look at spidey's left eye

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is spidey in the symbiote costume all.

Take a wild guess on who the guy is in the other picture

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely, Venom is on the left eye of spidey, he has the costume right on, with the matching single spider on the chest, and tounges out too, well kinda looks like a tounge!!!! look carefully, and use your imagination, there might be a reason why its black though, doesn't actually follow the comics...

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guys! its symbiote! look at that gallery from the guy two comments up. it has a picture of the actor for eddie brock, seems right on to me!

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

duh fuckers of course vemon is gonna be in it.. all the clues were in the last movie. i hate you stupid people

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any of you who think that you're seeing the symbiote costume in that picture is a fucking moron. Read the Spider-man comics if you're a fucking fan.

Sony is lieing. That is not a black costume. Don't believe everything you read.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what clues!!! the only thing i saw was that they left it open for Harry to become the green goblin. If any of u guy would care to know

Possible spoiler

Jason Philips Mackendale becomes the Hob Goblin. Then later on Harry becomes the Green Goblin II. Spiderman finds himself out numbered in this one. When everything seems to be at its worst for him, he finds himself an unlikely ally, Harry Osborn. Peter Parker's best friend will come to his aide....When asked why he did it, Harry's last words were "You're my best friend".

In the comic book Harry died from a new Goblin formula being too toxic and destroyed him from within.

I do agree with the idea that parker has the symbiote, and the whole movie is the struggle between being good and what the symbiote is turning him into. and it would make sense that when he finially gets rid of the symbiote, he isnt strong enough to defeat the villians, so harry saves him. And we would probably see venom for a little near the end. To set venom up for the villian in spiderman 4!!

this is just my thoughts of what could happen...could be wrong, could be right!!! we wont know for a while

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Interesting in who people actually think Grace is playing in Spider-Man 3. Well, I'm not going to come on here and act like I don't know anything or anyone, but I do. I'll be honest with you guys, Grace is not Venom, but Venom is set up for SP4 in this movie. Topher Grace is playing Electro. Yes, Electro, not Venom. I like the character of Venom really well, he's a brute with no brains but his strength out matches Spidey's smarts. But back to topic, Grace is playing the blonde, ambitious billionaire Maxwell Dillion in Spider-Man 3. If you want a good idea of how the character is being portrayed, watch the Fantastic Four. He is a dark and moody character like Von Doom. Dillion is in poor health because of a rare blood disease so he has to take these antigens which come into play later. harry Osborne hires Marko Flint as a so called hired hand. I was told how Electro transforms. The Sandman comes into the movie already with his "Special Ability" and it is said how he got them through a flashback scene, thanks to OsCorp. Dillion is turned when The Sandman is fighting with Spidey near a super conductor transformer type thing, thats the best way I can describe it from the info i was told, and Dillion is knocked into it, causing a large explosion. The electricity reacts with his antigens and gives him the powers you see in the comics, including the ability to throw electric type Boomerangs, glide on a type of cloud of electricity, and to just use the blasts of electricity also. After this, Electro as he is referred to now, or Sparky by Spider-Man, which he actually uses in the movie a few times, blames both The Sandman and Spider-Man for what has happen to him. Even though he no longer needs his anitgens, he must now feed on sources of electricity to survive. Electro is introduced in what seems like the first half hour of the movie and spends the rest of the movie trying to kill both Sandman and Spidey. Meanwhile during the movie, Jameson's son returns to space with two passengers and a stow away boards his ship. yes its a small red-gel like substance that attaches itself to anything with molecules, remember that. Harry Osborne plays a smaller role in this movie, but maybe the most important. Picking up where his father failed with his military formula, he revises the formula...........into something more. The gel-substance attaches itself to Jameson and he then kills the other two members of his shuttle squad, he doesnt transform into anything, his mind is just being controlled by the well I might as well say it, alien. There is two, maybe three spectacular-mind blowing scenes in this movie. There is one battle that starts at the bottom of the streets, climbs to the roofs of skyscrapers, then travels back down to the streets in Time Square!!!! Another moment is when the shuttle is going to crash into the heart of New York, and you'd be surprised who actually steps up and tries to help stop the city from being destroyed!!! The third scene is for all of you non-believers out there, the climax of the movie which i will not give away on here, has a small scene showing our idioit of the day, Harry, yet again helping create a nemesis for Spidey, when he gives Jameson's son his newly revised military formula, which reacts with the alien controlling Jameson's mind. He almost instantly dies, and yes he does die!!! The climax of the movie actually happens inside, outside, and on top of the church where Jameson's services are being held. The funeral services for Jameson are being held inside while a battle erupts outside between The Sandman who has come to hunt down Parker, who he knows is Spidey because he was hired by Harry to kill Peter aka Spider-man, and Electro who followed Sandman to the church. When Peter and Mary Jane walk up to the casket containing Jameson, the battle between The Sandman and Electro bursts through the front of the church, creating a major distracting which is just the right moment for the now called alien symbiote to travel from Jameson to Peter!!!! Peter dodges people to the back of the now cleared out church but before he can even rip his shirt off, what I'am told is an amazing transformation using computer imagaing of course, that starts with a single black strand, almost like a hair that comes out of his arm, which Peter doesn't find too pleasing because he begins to scream, as the first strand wraps itself around his arm, and more and more black strands come out and do the exact same thing until his entire body is covered in an awsome black suit!!!! The suit also gives him a slightly bigger size, which I'm told you can notice he is bigger with the black suit, but not body builer freakish huge lol Then the final battle takes place with the new Spider-Man against both Electro and The Sandman......I can not say how this battle ends, but you will be slightly surprised, lets just say it dont end like the last two movies........then the closing of the movie. You see peter Parker sitting on top of a skyscraper, talking about his newly aquired "Greater" power, then Peter dives off of the building and his suit takes shape again as we see him swinging along like the last two ending, only faster, farther leaps and swings, you can truly see a newer, stronger Spidey. A small hint to look for when the movie comes out, at the end when peter is swinging past the building in his new black suit, as he come in close to the camera, you can see something in his white eyes on his suit, which I'm told will look like a outline of SP4's villian, yelp, you know who."

For more read this article:-

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's not monochrome i see colors :) ... it's juz plain old blue and red. the atmosphere is dark and the light comes from the back so that's why it looks dark. When you drive in the night you think you see a black car when it's actually white o_o'' ... that's my conclusion.

2:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for all retards who think it's a B&W photo

2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, The director has agreed to produce a back to back trilogy of spiderman movies, venom is too complex of a character to already be put into the story, the first two movies have been spent developing harry and peter, very complex, and very detailed, they wouldnt implement another character that requires a major amount of story telling at this point in the movie series, not yet.. Venom would need alot more then whats been given in the first two movies, however venom is a fairly new character compared to all the villians in spidermans history, and he just wouldnt fit, at least now now

2:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he will be become venom in this movie

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok his eye looks the same in that picture as it does on his normal costume, also thats just the symbiote suit he's wearing! omg you people are retarded. and vemon will be in the 3rd movie...

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the answer to it all

Luckily I had a source who managed to catch the entire Q&A session and email it to me before it was taken down. A word of caution, if the source is true, it is bound to spoil virtually the entire movie for you. The session goes into amazing details, which is decidely a little suspicious, so take the following with heavy doses of salt.

Question 1 Who are the villains and how much screentime does each one get?
Answer Venom,Sandman, and GG2. Sandman is the main one, building up to venom at end. GG has a good amount, though not sure how much time. He's in 2 major battles.

Question 2 Does the GG look cool,how much green does he have on him, is his black snow suit have a black hood that covers the top of his head,do the belts on his legs hold pumpkin bombs,is his goggles yellow lens,does he wear gloves of any kind,and why does Harry go with this suit instead of the one his father used?
Answer He looks cool as an individual idea. But again, nothing remotely goblin like about him except the weapons, glider and some green on him. No hood, the belts hold two swords. One long one on his back, a smaller one on his right leg. Pumpkins bombs are in his glider. Goggles are black. He has a green mouthmask. Gloves are black. No idea why. Possible to make it more to his liking, a way to "improve".

Question 3 Does Venom fight in this movie or does he just show up as a cliffhanger?
Answer Yes he fights. Again, he will fight Spidey with Sandman at the end, the movie leads up to this "battle royale" at the construction site. GG will also join in the fight, but not on the sides of Ven/San. GG fights with Spidey instead.

Question 4 Have you seen Venom?
Answer I've seen the costume of Venom (yes hes in it, but only towards the end) and its extremely cool. Think all black latex with veins all over his upper half, reaching over onto his arms. However the veins also shape into the Spider thats on his chest in the comics (no white). Venom will be a little larger than. spidey. Basically the bad version of spidey. Venom has nasty teeth, no where near exaggerated in the comics. Just really sharp yellow teeth, very fang like, it will be prosthetics. Tongue will be CG.

Question 5 I'm kinda confused,does spidey wear the symbiote before Brock gets it?
Answer Yes. After his date with MJ, the symbiote clings to his shoe and waits for Parker in his room one night. He then wakes up upside down on the side of a building wearing the symbiote costume.

Question 6 If spidey does wear the symbiote,what does it look like exactly?
Answer The same costume as blue/red only black with all the scale detail and webbing over it. Not impressive. It looks like this because it stuck onto his old costume then it clung on Peter.

Question 7 And how long does he wear the suit?
Answer For right now, a good chunk since the movie is about Peter and how the symbiote possesses him, and the decisions he has to make.

Question 8 Who does he fight with it?
Answer Sandman, robbers, and Harry

Question 9 What makes him take it off?
Answer Bell Tower.

Question 10 What kind of things does Sandman do in this movie power wise?
Answer Grows a lot. Sandstorms. Hand as a sledgehammer and mace. The FX will raise the bar.

Question 11 Where do all the fights take place on/at?
Answer All over. In the air/Alley, underground subway, armoured truck in the streets, construction site.

Question 12 Is there a cliffhanger at the end of this movie?
Answer Not currently. But there is one scene that leaves questions opened about the return of the symbiote.

Question 13 Who does Bruce Campbell play?
Answer He has a cameo as somebody named Quentin Beck.

Question 14 Where does the symbiote come from?
Answer An astroid.

Question 15 Does spidey wear his regular red and blue spidey suit in the movie?
Answer Yes. At the beginning and end of the movie.

Question 16 Is S-M3 and S-M4 being made back to back?
Answer Nope.

Question 17 Is Venom going to be the villain for S-M4,or is S-M3 going to be it for him?
Answer End of the line for Brocks version of Venom, but not the symbiote itself.

Question 18 Are there lots of fights/action in this movie?
Answer TONS. Four BIG fight sequences. All very fun, and clever. Wont be disappointed in that department. Be prepared for A LOT of fight sequences including a revisit to the subway fight sequence (only underground this time).

Question 19 What is that church for?
Answer The church sequence is used when Black Symbiote Spidey attempts to tear his suit off by the ringing of the church bell. Unknown to him that right under him in the church Brock is walking in where pieces of the symbiote land on him and then bond with him.

Question 20 Do GG2 and Spidey ever face off?
Answer Yes. I will mention one fight scene at the beginning of the movie in particular. Harry in full GG Glory first attacks peter, and tosses him into the side of the building. This also where they have a huge airal fight sequence leading to a chase into an alley where (yes as a previous plot spoiler had reported) Harry is knocked out and Peter saves him and brings him to a hospital.

Question 21 How much screen time does Dr.Connors have,does he mention anything about lizard experiments?
Answer Connors studies the symbiote sample. So we see the inside of his lab. A lot of Lizards references.

Question 22 Does anyone die?
Answer Harry and Aunt May.

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
ok his eye looks the same in that picture as it does on his normal costume, also thats just the symbiote suit he's wearing! omg you people are retarded. and vemon will be in the 3rd movie..."

his eye has the reflection of venom fool

3:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i changed the colour depth to 256 and checked the palette and it definately contains colours if that helps

8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is the real color

If anyone is a comic book fan...they would know that!!! the costume isnt exactly what u would expect form the comic book, but u know y it is that color!!!

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a MONOCHROME picture, just look at the symbiote suit and the normal suit and it's as plain as day. BUT this doesn't mean that Venom isn't cool. I think we have beat this topic to death.

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If its a black suit then it's RACIALIST and should be banned. ALL racialist stuff should be banned. AND child slavery should be abolished. My name is Gavin. Email me your gay porn pictures. But NO racialist shit. You pack of anal retentive shitting shitters. Its a picture off a film get a life!

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stfu gay biker shit

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the little 110 pound guy from that 70's show would be a terrible venom and *lol body suit*. im betting that they use vin desil or somebody like that for venom. the Topher thing could simply be a distraction. I specifically remember sam rami saying that doc octopus wouldnt be the second badguy. i think theyve got it all worked out to trick us. but there are pics of the dude from "wings" being in a sandman costume.

PS: fuck electro, venom is the coolest and most deserving of the third and most thrilling movie. a badguy who is spiderman but stronger, faster, and can subvert his abilities. sam said that they were going to go for spectacular special effects and cgi, can you say symbiote...

3:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

spiderman is the shit mon, the coolest, the badest. venom and carnage are the coolest of spidey's enemies. as long as the movie stays true to the storyline who cares what venom's costume looks like. it will more than likely be updated like the costumes in the first two movies. i amsimply glad all the legal wraggling is over cause spidey was way too late in coming tothe big sreen. let us be thankful that we have the movies to enjoy. my kids and i love them, and my son has become a huge spidey fan. i can't wait for spiderman 3. i'm sure it will be awesome.

p.s. this is for all the idiots who feel they need to comment on the "geeks" posting comments on this site. get a freakin life and grow up. why r u posting comments here if you think we are all idiots with no lives? I HAVE A LIFE. DO YOU?


12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,I bet you guys anything that Topher Grace is not Venom. Topher Grace looks more like the Electro type. The movie will be about Spiderman, Electro, Sandman and the simbiote. Venom will be at the end of the movie so he's already set up for SP4. Venom can't be in Sp3!!! They need a bigger story line for Eddie Brock before Venom takes place. Spiderman will were Venoms alien costume thing but Venom will appear later. Sp3 will only be the begining for Venoms rampage!!!

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... keep you crazy kids at bay... topher grace is venom along with tomhas haden church as sandman gwen stacy is also in the film and...... ah just go to

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and its the last film waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :(

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for all you god damn blasfamous smug skeptics (i know im smug aswell) i cant wait to crap all over you parade when the film actually comes out and if you havent yet go to or / lol i guess this will prove you idiots at bay
\ /
\ (") /
_/ \_

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last message fucked up pay no attention

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on guys I know I did you wrong but at least say something...... or are you chicken? buk buk

4:48 PM  
Blogger Daniel M Silverman said...

Hey Marvel Master, just saying hello and thanks for the comments and trying to set some people straight.

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

das finde ich ein bßchen blöd. ich meine das rot blaue kostüm ist doch geil. warum also dann das schwarz. Venom ist doch eine Mutanten flüssigkeit oder etwa nicht.

6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ich sitze hier in dem Bewerbungskurs und habe nichts zu tun. Das ist total öde hier. Kann nicht mal jemand vorbeikommen und uns mit einem erfrischenem getränk auflockern. naja egal ich bin zu müde und es ist zu heiß um darüber nachdenken zu müssen machen tun

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the black suit is sickkkkkkkkkkk

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pakitipleig paco peluca juanito calvicie duffman homer simpson daxter iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisisdisikgkgkgkgkgkgkgkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeqwwwwwwwww cambia marcha ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllññññññññññññññññññññhhhhhhhhjjjjjjkkkkkkkkaaaaassdddddddfghjklñññññññññññññññzzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxccvbbbbbbnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwwwertyyuioppppppppppppppppp

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sois cabrones aver si sacais ya spiderman 3

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you go to apple .com you can see the trailer and obviously see that he will have the costume.

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People, That is the black symbiot that Peter wears. The difference is that Sony is marketing to wider audiences who do not know the origin of the black costume. Petey got from the Beyonder during the Secret Wars. Yes Topher Grace is playing Eddie Brock and will probably receive the symbiot at the end of this movie to make a segway for a sequal or a spin off movie.
I am disappointed that they are not using the original black costume design because the big white spider is bad ass looking.

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what eva i agree wid mario i mean lets just wait till da movie cums out u saddos

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

long live VENOM

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay I read earlier how people where having a bit of a time discussing the demagraphics of Spiderman's suit whether or not it was something wrong with the way the movie editors and where ever else has anything to do with it the design of his suit. Well to me it doesn't really matter if the black suit has not the same thing as the Red Spiderman Costume. Spiderman is only seeing himself for who he really is the suits' don't determine anything

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sorry.but that picture is realy spiderman in the symbiote on google for real venom spiderman 3 pictures and look through them should find a picture of venom on his hand and feet.a picture of him near the screen with his mouth open.a moving picture of eddie brock turning into venom and a picture of just venom in spiderman three.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i just skimmed over what most of you put down, and now its time for my two cent:
Yes venom is in the movie, yes he is being played by "eric" from that 70's show" and as for the whole black suit thing, well this is the story behind it.. educazte yourselves:
venom is an alien symbolite, he was brought to earth by an astronaut and was spread onto spidermans suit, this is where spidermans inner conflict comes from in the movie, he then goes to a church for guidance and i guess venom is allergic to church bells or something cuz he starts dripping off through the floor boards and onto Eddie broke [eric of that 70's show] (a previous murderer since his childhood) and he then becomes VENOM!!! *yaaay* oh yeah and i REALLY hope that they center this movie on the birth of venom and not so much on spiderman... annnnd i hope theres a carnage and venom movie... :] peace y'all Captain-x-Morgan

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know what you're talking about... Go back to school and get a job. Look at the pic btw its clearly black and white. Like are you mental?

2:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hes wearing the black because in spiderman3 spiderman turns evil. im actually not lying. youll see soon.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go.

It's Spiderman in his symbolite costume.

At one point the symbiote comes onto his costume (basically revealing the evil side of Spiderman)

Then at one point, Spiderman is at the church. The symbiotes weakness is loud sounds, so it was easier to rip him off.

Eddie Brock was watching this from below, and then some of the symbiote fell onto him, then the rest, then he turned into Venom.

*The new Green Goblin

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

quote: "hes wearing the black because in spiderman3 spiderman turns evil. im actually not lying. youll see soon."

spiderman doesnt become evil, he just starts to have some serious anger issues, and thats because of the symbiote. Trust me, i know since i have read the book of spiderman 3. he doesnt become evil at all.

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

godd!!! it is the symbiote! u guys havent seen the trailer. or the cartoons. or reaad the comics. the symbiote species is known to be aggresive and it starts to take him over. but then he gets it off and it falls on to eddie brock and his anger against spider man and peter parker make the symbiote more powerful which becomes venom!!!

5:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the villains if we follow all of them properly from the comics and cartoons we get t=2 more in the movie to...

Shocker & rhino

5:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and there is no mettalic ar metal armour or they would have to call it spider man new univers 1. u see the metal suit is from a different reallity like th scarlet spider

5:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is the black symbiote costume, he will fight sand man with it and smash him, possibly endangering lives and realise that the black suit is his dark side etc. get rid of it and it will attach to eddie brock... and if anyone else new theyre spiderman then they would realise that eddie brock in the ultimate series is a skinny bloke like parker. the whole movie series has taken bits from from normal and ultimate timelines so why not this movie. Venom may have a fight with spiderman at the end and not be ultimetely defeated and this will leave the door open for SM4 and carnage! YUMM!!

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. Reading ur comments above made me laugh! Sometimes u just need to shut ur idiotic mouths and wait untill the movie comes out. Ignorant people.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok you guys honestly...your the flippin comic book OF COURSE his costume is black!

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah the costume is black. remember the spiderman 2? his old costume was totaly ruined.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he looks like pete wenz(fob) as emo...i pefer the black suit..Come on i have never seen a red and navy spider before

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The picture is of the black suit, it is in color. Spider-man gets the venom stuff from a meteor. He gets it and then finds out that he doesnt like it because it makes him do bad things. He changes back to the normal colored suit and the venom gets on Eddie Brock (topher grace).

12:31 PM  

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