Saw 4 Coming Halloween 2007

"The entire Lionsgate team has displayed boundless creativity, energy and marketing savvy, and they have been key to the success of this franchise. And there is still a lot of life in the SAW franchise," SAW producers Mark Burg and Oren Koules of Twisted Pictures said. "Writers have been hired and work is underway on SAW IV, which will continue the SAW reign of terror for Halloween 2007 ... After all, legends never die."
The opening weekend for SAW III also gave Lionsgate its highest-grossing weekend in its history. The previous record was held by SAW II which took in $31.7 million on its opening weekend.
"As a filmmaker and horror fan, it's been amazing to helm both of these films, SAW II and SAW III. This premise and franchise have so much substance to them, and with the devotion of the fans it is even more important that the SAW series continues," SAW III director Darren Lynn Bousman said. "We came up with a lot of great ideas and threads while making SAW III, and fortunately we were able to turn those ideas into individual scenes that perpetuate the SAW themes and motifs. Now that we've laid the groundwork for future SAW chapters, I'll hand off the filmmaking baton and look forward to next Halloween and another Jigsaw fix."
UPDATE (02/20/07): It seems that Bousman will not be handing off the baton afterall. Bousman, who also directed Saw II and Saw III, will return to the director's chair for Saw IV.
"It's not often that a filmmaker is given the opportunity to follow a genuinely compelling character through two films, much less three," Bousman said in a story on "So I'm very excited about picking up the reins on 'Saw IV,' and delving even deeper into the Jigsaw legend."
I think this is an excellent idea. I personally would love to see a Saw IV & V, my concern is that Lionsgate may overdo it. I hate to see a great franchise like SAW start to be compared with Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer. They were both great film franchises but they overstayed their welcome. I thought SAW III had a fitting end but if the writers can come up with another two genius stories then I can tell you that they'll be getting my money.
I think this is a brilliant idea ! How they will take an ending like SAW 3 and create another movie, is the question. I am a huuge fan of the SAW Trilogy. I'm a little curious to see how they will compete with the new Halloween movie (Halloween: The Retribution/Halloween VIII). I'm sure they'll pull it off though. My sure fire guess is a Saw Prequel and later someone who will begin copycating Jigsaw. The hairs on my neck are already standing up !
I am thinking SAW IV will have Jigsaw working from the grave.
If you haven't seen SAW III yet, do not read the rest of this comment
At the end of Saw III, Jigsaw had already set a game in motion with the guy's daughter being trapped and he must now try and find her. So, even though Jigsaw is now most likely dead, he still has a game in place for him to play. Who knows who else Jigsaw planned to include in this very same game.
SAW V will probably be a prequel.
Saw 3 was a prequel kinda, why would they make another to explain what was already explained in Saw 3
Saw IV will probably be concerned with the final "game" that Jigsaw left behind for Jeff, and for a number of new characters as one fan speculates here.
Saw V will either be one of the following, as these are the only things it COULD be:
1) A copycat killer duplicating Jigsaw's methods and modus operandi, but perhaps far more sinister/truly malevolent in nature, or with some other kind of added twist to the character
2) They could go the way of oh-so-many shitty, stupid horror-film-sequels and make one where the undead zombie corpse, or perhaps vampire corpse, or perhaps ghost, of Jigsaw puts new games and traps in place for the living. Only SLIGHTLY more exciting is the possibility that we could see the angry, vengeful, jealous and passionate spirit of Amanda become some kind of demon or supernatural force of evil who goes on to kill people in extremely elaborate ways using traps, but also involving paranormal/supernatural phenomena in the process. Either one of these two "undead killer" possibilities would make an awesome series of films finally end up sucking by the end of it :(
I think it is highly unlikely that there would be any "undead killers" in this film as the Saw trilogy had its popularity based on it's twisted and clever games. Furthermore, there has so far not been any vengeful ghosts or zombies evident from the result of the participants who have died from Jigsaw's tests. It is an interesting guess though and I agree that it would suck. =)
However, there might be vengeful serial killers. If there were to be a copycat of Jigsaw, I'm betting it would be one of the Saw survivors such as Daniel Matthews or perhaps Lawrence Gordon's wife or daughter. (after say, 10 years?) I also read that Jigsaw "cleared up" Amanda's mess by letting Eric Matthews escape and my guess is that he will be in the sequel as we all know we MUCH prefer watching sequels with familiar characters.
The tagline of the movie is legends never die. i dont think that john ended up dying. its quite possible that he could have been recessitated or something.
It's quite clear that Jigsaw dies when his throat was sliced open with a circular saw and all his "fluids" drained out in a slow motion spurting fashion. Personally I'd like it to stop with IV, mostly because that's pretty much as far as they can take it with Jigsaw being the key villain...even if he's already dead :(
Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer were good franchises!? If that's a joke it's not funny, and if it isn't a joke...whew.
Jig: Saw 6(66) Leprechaun eats Jigsaw's body, does a jig, then goes into the hood for a third time! JK. A cannibalization of Jigsaw would be sweet. Even in real life there are copy-cat killers, why not have a Jigsaw copycat that does it better than the original?
I'm asuming we may me more of past victims perhaps even the good docter Gordon himself since we have yet to learn if he died or not thus far we have only seen his severed foot and not his corpse. With Jigsaw's inclination to not killing victims he may have allowed Gordon to survive deeming the fact he cut his foot off and survived the ordeal to have been enough pain for him to experiance, since he most likely saw Adam as week since he failed to get free of his chains. Since most people speculate that he most likely let mathews go which I also consider to be ture I see no reason that he would not let the wounded doctor go since we can asume he met the injured doctor who couldn't of got far with his wound.
After watching the SAW trilogy, we preassume that jigsaw is dead or is he really? The legend continues!!! What clues do we have to go on to justify the means of having chapter 4 & 5. Just like in SAW we assume he was dead, but disguises himself until the end, which make him a good makeup special effects artist to think he is dead. He has everything already thought out & preconceived of what the victim is going too do.
There are other clues, Eric Mathews was the only survivor in saw II, just as ammanda escaped from his trap in SAW, he becomes the 2nd apprentence, in which he could become the copy cat jigsaw killer. Because we hear kerry explained in the last trap she found was not jigsaw pattern of an enclosing a door. And when kerry was in her trap. We didn't see who walked in on her. We assumed it was ammanda, maybe not???
And if the story continues where it leaves off, we must assume that the game is not over for jeff. He too must go thru a torture test.
The Jigsaw guy, John, is in saw IV, and he himself said he was under contract for 5 movies.
How the hell are they going to pull off 2 more? I think they should have stopped at number 3. But, if they do make others, please be a prequel. And perhaps him not dying in number 3... maybe...
Prequels usually tend to mess up continuity more than fix or clarify it. I will watch this series as long as it provides entertaining, interesting stories to go along with the blood and gore we've come to expect from the series.
They should just leave it at III. It made me hate life when there are so many games going on! Maybe could push it to IV, see what happens with the little girl.. but V? If it's a prequel, why? Like said before, III is a bit of a prequel! Surely we understand why this is going on (to some extent!). Will it just show us his life leading up to the first games?!
I wish they would just leave this alone, the Legend will die if they drag it out long enough. I kind of enjoyed wondering what would come of the little girl in the end.. nice little cliffhanger to end it on and to never be returned to.
Leave it ALONE!!
I dont know what some people are talking about by saying that we dont know who it was Kerry was looking at when her trap was set. When John is telling her that its was her game and we see the flashbacks, they show that it is Amanda. The whole concept of a prequel would be insulting, how would they go about doing that? The fact is the traps get better and much more creative.What are they going to put some really cool traps in a prequel and then have in the very first saw the cheap and not so creative traps in that, it will throw it around in a big loop and am Hopeing that they dont try it. To go forward with the saga with John as the Jigsaw killer would be difficult to even if they revive him from the gapeing wound in his neck,his vocal cords would surely have been destroyed and he would not be able to talk and I am sorry but the voice of Jigsaw before every trap is one of the things that make the movies so creepy. The one thing that they did not reveal but gave us a hint was that John was married remember his flashback when he alomst died and we see the woman and Jigasw tells the doctor that he loves her. Maybe she will be the killer or just maybe John had a son and he might take over his fathers work?? These facts all come into play when we try to guess where they are going to go with saw, it will be a diffuclt task to take the 4th movie in a high location expecially since they are releasing the movie in less then a year from today, and also the fact that they may bring in all new writers wich we all know will bring it down all together. All I can say is I hope to god they dont do something stupid like a dream type thing or something even stupider.
ha! I doubt they're gonna do anything stupid. We all know how creative the directors are especially since they can come up with such imaginative twists at the end.
Well, if you read the Saw Rebirth then you'll find out that he was afraid of committment in a relationship. So I don't think that would be his wife.
Tobin Bell (Jigsaw) actually said his contract was for 5 sequels (ie. Saw + 5 others!) so we're up to Saw VI! I love them!
The writer wrote Saw III in less than a week. He should be writing amazing books and loads more films with a brain like that.
I'm a big fan of the series and can't wait for the next one!
If they don't do it with Saw IV I'm sure they'll do a prequel type of a story for Saw V. After all, Jigsaw was already in full business before the first film even took place.
These comments were extrememly interesting and really made me think on what the next movies might really be about.
I cannot begin to hazard a guess better than any of the aforementioned, but they WILL come up with something as amazing as the first three.
If they don't, I will a splode, to coin a phrase.
Saw IV has to cover what happens to Jeff. With all that gear in the room he's locked in there has to be some chance for him to save his daughter. After all Kramer (he doesn't call himself Jigsaw!) despises murderers and he's going over the limit locking up a little girl.
That leaves Detective Matthews, his son Daniel, Dr. Gordon and any other survivors. I don't know much about guns and stuff but the bullet that Jeff shot into Amanda's neck could have been a blank or rubber or something, maybe. Anyway like the others have said Bell is locked in for 5 sequels so they'd have to have prequels. By the way I figured Dr. Gordon could get screwed over by Kramer because he was the one that told him he has cancer and by leaving the bathroom he only enters the house from II with Kramer getting up behind him and ditching Adam.
Yes he as one person said John (Jigsaw) might be afraid of comittmint but you can not ignore the whole I love you thing we dont know what is going to happen with the fourth film I will go to see it as I am a huge fan of the Saw series but with them hiring new writers they may look into that fact and have a son of Jigsaw. We can not be certain what will happen with this and as I said before a prequel would throw things out of wack with traps being more elaborate then the original film so we will all have to sit back and wait to see what the saw film series will throw at us.
I wrote in an earlier post, After watching the SAW trilogy, we preassume that jigsaw is dead or is he really? The legend continues or never dies!!!
Saw IV will be another game for jeff to save his daughter after he failed the first for revenge or forgiveness!!!
As i previously stated,knowing that john is a makeup artist, I'm assuming he disguises himself as being dead and locked up in the room with jeff. I predict jeff walking in to another traped room and the game begins to save his daughter. We just have to wait for what twist and turners the writers come up with to keep us guessing.
Lets hope they don't fail!!!
There is no doubt that John is DEAD. No recesitating gonna happen! Who is gonna recessitate him from a throut slicing? Noone. The ambulance was 4 minutes away, and he would die in that time. The heart monitor flatlined and Lynn dies. That means John is dead too. The only route is prequels with other victims. Possible sequels with flashbacks to prior victims(and this is where Tobin Bell comes into play in the sequels) Or a more laughable idea, a twin brother who also happens to be sick and twisted.
Whoever suggested zombies, twin brothers and escaping death (who escapes death after having their throat slit by a power saw) needs to be shot.
Do you think the genius mind's that came up with the plots for these first 3 would turn to something as stupid as that? Seriously, what a waste of effort for even posting those ridiculous, idiotic ideas.
Out of all your guesses, im thinking a prequel is one of the most likely, and the unfinished story of Jeff + Daughter. The whereabouts of Matthews and Gordon are also thinking on the right track. The reason that a copy cat killer is highly unlikely is: noone knows the intricate traps apart from the police, the only thing people were told in the paper is how they died. As for Matthews and Gordon following John's footstep - unlikely. We take Amanda as an example, she had to be trained under the watchful eye of John, and even then, it wasnt enough to have the emotional callus John possessed/s, so what hope can those two have?
Personally, i thought the end of 3 was a good time to stop. Quit while your ahead, but at least we know that these writers are talented, and no matter what they produce, im fairly confident they will keep audiences captivated.
I think you all have it wrong. You see I have spoken to a few people and read the new plots for 4 and 5, actually its quite interesting.
A necromancer by the name of Hector Goomba finds his way into town , from place to place once there living in abandoned warehouse. In his discourse he comes across the body of Jigsaw and finds the relics among the clippings of the media and stories the legend had lived up to . The necromancer, knowing that Jig had been partially evil but tryed to help so many, cast a phoenix down black revival spell bring Jig back to life. Before Jig could awaken and find out just who or what happened Hector Goomba flees.
In coming weeks the murder is crunk up again except this time we see Jig conjuring magic upon the now found Dr Gordon who was almost bled to death from the decapitation of his foot.
It seems at the start of Jigsaws cancer he started work on a teleportation device that would merge objects that people hate or of some sentimental value to their bodys in a helpful manner. As Dr Gordon is led into the room he is placed in one of the two pods , and in the other a Nike shoe, worn by his wife. Jigsaw starts up the machines and then proceeds to spinkle dust and chant inside a black octagon, whilst doing a jig.
Out comes Gordon with a new leg for life.
Of the many new twists in Saw 4 we find that the missing body of Amanda was explained by the fact that she drove herself in bloodly tears to the hospital , upon arriving passing out , but her life was sparred, she spends the days coming for recovery and relizes what a self centered bitch she has become. Aimed to make things right she aims to track down Jigsaw once again.
Along with the new gamesof Jigsaw we find Hector Goomba performing rituls on local police men to divert their attentin from Jig, Jig becomes aware of this and in turn the climax results in the necromancer and Jig having a duel.
Im not talking an of that bullshit in , " The Prestige". I mean a bloody war.
Once again Jig saw is burned down by a hell fire spell and Amanda comes in just as Jigsaw hits the dirt , black and burning, she holds him as Hector says Game over, and flees away into shadow.
This is where Saw 5 will pick up and yes it will be hot.
Jigsaw did say he could have an ambulance in 4 minutes, mayb he had already called for this ambulance and right after he got sliced, maybe this ambulance arrived in time to save him (bring him back) a saw movie wont b a saw movie wtihout tobin bell (or whatever his name is) playin jigsaw. and then saw ppl will make it look really good, they will think of a really good story. Also for a saw 5 or 4, whever they end it, they might make tha last one called tha beginning or somethin and have a whole story of jugsaw starting his work, mayb there was things he did that we nevver seen that they can show us in a so called beginning film? who knows. but if they make more im pretty dam certain they will make ti awesome, because they have overwhelming talent.
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ok so I think were forgetting a few things. What if Jigsaw isnt dead right. I know ppl are gonna say JIGSAWS DEAD but that i thhink isnt the case. After all Danny Glover got his neck sliced open in Saw and lived. However I think if Jigsaw lives somehow it might screw up the movie and make him into a michael myers where he cant die. After all he already had cancer so i think he i sbetter off dead for the sake of saw. In my opinion Daniel from SAW 2 will come back with a vengence and become the new Jigsaw.
Wow! people are not listining Jigsaw is dead! The throat cut killed him and as I said before if they do some how revive him he will not be able to talk as his vocal cords were severed. Plus they said Jessica Alba will be in the next saw, so that will suck. Shes hot and all but she better act her ass off if she planes to please people in this movie. John is dead and thats that tho. So lets wait and see what the hell they are going to do with the I love you thing becase they will explain more with that and it is not the same people makeing the new Saw movie they are getting new writers so things are gonna change....Hopefully for the better
I really think that SAW III should be the ending... I mean, unless of course, the producers will have other ideas to revive Jigsaw or at least, perhaps Jigsaw's son may appear in the scene. A HAH! hmm.. nonetheless, Saw III was well done and it really should stop there. GAME...OVER...
Jigsaw is DEAD! he was connected to that monitor that would kill the doctor, via "trap", if it got to zero, and the "trap" went off... he's dead!
Well My 2 cents is that the woman we kept seeing...i assume johns love.....will have something to do with the next one. Who knows but damn dude i SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hope jeff finds his daughter. I so wanted to cr with all the stuff with his daughter and him getting kidnapped and stuff man. Jeff should find his daughter and go to the police. The police should go in the place and find out stuff and flashbacks of stuff and eric being found.
Im all for saw 4 and 5.
The only one that would make sense, and who could revive Kramer, would be Dr. gordon. In saw 3, when they go back to the bathroom, we find Adam's bones, so he's out. in the hallway where Eric Matthews was killed, there were bones there too.... even if Dr Gordon bled out, there would be remains, correct? there were none. There was never any mention of his family and what happened to them too.... I'm not suggestion a family of killers... but to have dr. gordon go off enough to cut his own foot, it would make sense to freak out enough to carry out Kramer's legacy.
Isn't everyone forgetting the tape that Jigsaw left on his bedisde table thing and covered in wax??
That's most likely the lead-up to Saw4... Can't wait..
Don't want Jigsaw to come back as think t'will be naff.
Don't want any crappy little spells or anything either..
hey can someone answer my question. i saw saw 3 and everyone is saying detective matthews is alive. i remember the detective did escape. but then after he beat up amanada he was telling her you will never be jigsaw bitch. she then turned around in anger and went back to him. i thought she then would of killed him. help me out.
I am a big fan of the SAW movies. When I saw the first one I was blown away and the sequels have also been almost as good. I do have mixed feelings about having another sequel. The reason why: I always feel a twinge of disappointment after seeing the sequels because they lack something the first had. I think it is caring about the characters, keeping it simple and interesting,grimy and bloody and then throwing twists into the mix. These last two seem to be floating away from that concept a bit(seems to simply go for gore a bit more rather than plot development) and although good, don't compare to the first. Anyway this sort of rant for me is just saying that I think if the series keeps going it will continue to go away from the original concept and just turn into another formulaic horror movie, plus there won't be too many familiar faces since a lot of stuff was cleared up and covered in Saw 3. Another thing is that a lot of the writers and people involved will probably begin to move on so that familiarity will be gone too. I just kinda want SAW 4 if anything to revert back to basics a bit, if that makes sense. No prequels or copycats or zombie killers for me for SAW 4 AND 5. It should go out on top.
I just watched the movie yesterday. I thought it was great. There should definetly be a IV. Matthews and Gordon are still alive. AND, just before the doctor gets shot by Amanda, Jigsaw pours wax from a candle over one of those small tapes he uses. The wax would seal it to the table that was next to him. It was not used, but you absolutely see him sealing it over with the wax.
All this talk about Jigsaw... It's far more likely that Amanda will survive. It's far more likely that Jigsaw either put blanks in that gun, or the ambulance arrives shortly after the movie ends.
She's crafty, she's had all the training and she's far more unstable than Jigsaw, so I'm sure she'll make a much better villian in the next. As we learn, she's been involved from the start.
Jig gave Amanda an envelope (quite a thick one) and there was the other tape covered in wax as well. I think the envelope contains the next game, all laid out for her.
So my guess for Saw 4 is: Amanda survives when the ambulance comes. Escapes hospital whilst Jeff has to play the next game to save his daughter. 2 storylines will then take place, somehow intertwined with someone else playing the game that's in that envelope.
OR, there'll be some freaky twist like one of the survivors of the first 2 films was really someone working for Jigsaw BEFORE he took on Amanda as his apprentice.
Let's see if I'm right!
Jimmy said...
Jigsaw must live because he is in Saw 4 and 5 unless Saw 5 is going to be a prequel... if it is it better be good because otherwise it'll ruin it all so much. Can't wait till next October for the next one :P:P
I know how they could make a saw4 without a prequel is that it was another person dressed up as jigsaw with a bunch of look-a-like make up and the real jigsaw had a microphone thingy and told the look-a-like what to say and it was (Name of person)'s test and he/she failed trying to make Jeff choose to save himself or his wifei(I want to see saw 3 so bad!!)and something something and he is back in the 4th movie. It's a possibilltiy, right?
Hell no its not a possibility! You need to watch the third movie before you go posting your stupid little theories. It wasnt a damn look alike who gets his head sawed opened. You know what, go watch the movie.
Is everyone else here braindead?! What the hell with all this stupid speculation. I swear a team of monkies could come up with a better possibility for the next movies.
This is what I'm thinking ... That woman in the park that Jigsaw was dreaming has something to do with SawIV. They wouldn't just show that for nothin' ... Everything in that movie is shown for a reason. Also Jigsaw pouring wax on that tape and him stated that he could have the Ambulance there in 4 minutes. So maybe they save him. He would then have to be sent to jail cause thet consider hm a murder. So that unknown woman maybe help him escape from jail. I believe it could be alongthem lines. But Mostly the writer will come up with something we never thought about.
I hate the idea of this, I really do. Just let the series end. That way, it will be a trilogy. Otherwise, it will just be killing the series. LEAVE IT ALONE. LEAVE IT A TRILOGY!!!
As soon as i left the theatre....i hoped there was gonna be a saw IV and can't wait!! I don't want to believe jigsaw is dead! and the reason i say this is because if you remember when amanda placed the thing around the doc's neck, amanda thought back to the last SAW and how he was able to keep his body relaxed while laying on the floor for so long in that pool of blood. He injected his body with some chemical to slow his heart rate down and i knew this would come into play with the game of the heart monitor slowing down and the thing blowing the doc's head off
he has cancer...he had his brain cut open...he had his neck my opinion somone living through these very un realistic series of events would be a stupid idea to base the 4th movie on...most people will give up on the movie because it will seem it just goes on forever...dnt kill the guess is...Dr. Lynn Denlon...partner who she cheated on jeff tied into a game along with jeffs daughter...jeff once again has to learn to forgive...or the last member of his family dies...whilst these events occur...all jigsaws warehouses are found and what we never saw will be shown....i love SAW but dnt kill it
amanda cnt be in it...remember she sliced her leg and she is shot...she needs 1000000 litres of blood to still be alive...i dnt understand how sumone soo sik...can plan a whole series of events...i thought the reason he had amanda was coz he couldnt carry his the bloody incredible hulk....give it up...u old bastard....just recap and shows all the bits we didnt see and leave it at that u money hungry pigs
Personally, im pissed at the fact that Leigh Whannell will not be returning as screenwriter...and Darren Lynn Bousman not returning as director...They sold it. I think they should have left it as a trilogy. Although, i read recently in an interview with Leigh that they would be doing Adam's backround story.....they better...i LOVE adam mmmmmmm
anyone remember daniel from saw 2? thats all l gotta say
Half you people who claim you love the series need to look things up more clearly. It has already been said by the producer of SAW 3 and others that Detective Matthews was indeed killed by Amanda, so throw him out of any sequel plots. The character of Amanda has already been put into place for SAW 4 as well, so whoever spoke about her getting to the ambulance and so forth is the most convincing so far.
Although it would seem logical to pick up with Jeff and his daughter in SAW 4, they may not do it, as it may seem a bit repetitive,(SAW 3 starts with Matthews from SAW 2) but who knows. Jigsaw himself is in my opinion dead. The writers however as you know, can get quite creative. If he is however somehow "resurrected" in some sense, I highly doubt it will be with that magic bullshit someone tried to say was a plot. And as for SAW 5? It's already been leaked (whether reliable or not) by Tobin Bell that it is NOT a prequel. Only time will tell though.
Stop guessing and just wait and see. Only 365days in a year so instead of guessing start counting the days!!! cant wait to see it note it in your diaries october 26th 2007!!!
you've all been put through a test and you've all failed it. here's a simple question and another chance, Can you recall the deaths of each individual in SAW II? you don't know SAW, all you've done is SEEN it-
Ok I think that Saw IV will still have Jigsaw. I mean come on. Remember in Saw 1 how the black guy got his throat cut open and he survived right? The same with John and his throat. I think that his monitor when so dangerously low that it ended up hitting 0 and setting the trap around the doctor's head off. But as you have seen and you all know; just because the thing hits 0 doesn't mean it can't pop back up right?
What about Jiggy's flashback to where he was with that woman? What if after he had be told he had cancer he sought out a therapist and she "enlightened" him. She is still out there and could be in another city doing it. Dective Daniels is a mere local detective not FBI so if that lady is discovers it becomes a federal case. Voila we have Saw IV.
Okay, Im not saying this is is what will happen, but its a possibility. Jigsaw has a switch to activate his heart monitor and flatlines it after Jeff slashes him with a blunted saw with a blood pack.
he really did cut his neck, but just after he gets slashed, he rings the cops. He flatlines his monitor to distract Jeff from any more damage. Cops come and get an Ambulance for her.
I'm just saying, just because it seems unlikely, it doesnt mean its impossible.
or maybe the writers will stupidly ressurect John, despite the fact that anyone suffering those injuries should die(not to mention the cancer thats already killing him, and no theres no way they come up with a cure for it over night) Since its been said that saw 5 wont be a prequel, I just somehow see the upcoming sequels bombing big time in terms of realistic storytelling, and as a result will bomb overall.
amanda was the one who walked in on kerry and she set the trap with the sealed door she was failing her test jigsaw said he always had to clean up her messes that could mean he let matthews live and dr gordon could also be alive but jigsaw (died) at the end of three so chances are either matthews and/or gordon are alive and are carrying on his work but i hope they find some way of bringing jigsaw he will be back coz tobin bell is already signed on but he may only be back in flashbacks.
I'm thinking of the possibility that Jeff may be a doctor as well, and could patch ol' Jiggy up. Personally, I loved this movie and would enjoy seeing where else this could go, and that sounds slightly within reason.
Look. I just hope that I get to see Jigsaw a lot in the new flick. Yeah he got his throat sliced but something else could have happened. Maybe he will be in flashbacks but only Jigsaw can trick yo brain with so many twists and turns, yo. I admit. I'm a jigsaw fan. I even shed a few tears when the dude slid his throat.
If there is gonna be a saw4 and not a prequel saw4 than maybe we should like put our ideas for traps that we can ask the saw makers if they would include one or two in an upcoming movie. Here are my ideas:
The Orb::
A person is suspended in an orb/ball thing that spins around and there are 3 foot long spikes sticking out of the ceiling and there is a knife on a litle plate thing built on the side and the person has 200 seconds (but when it spins the knife may fall to the ground) to use the knife to saw through the wooden frame and get the key inside and unlock the orb/ball which will drop two feet to the ground and allow the person to escape or the machine will be pulled up along with the person. Once they get out they have 15 seconds to cross the room and unlock the door which leads outside, allowing the person to be free.
How the person would die:::
The person will be impaled by the spikes
The person will freeze to death in the room when the air conditioners cool the room down to -20(note: the person won't have a jacket on)
put your ideas below this one!!
::Same person as above::
I made a tiny replica of this trap on a spongebob toy and it broke both of it'd leg and has half of a nose now.
I have a trap it is:
The Cable::
A person would have little cables in their arms with hooks and the person has 10 minutes to look around the room for a key and unlock the cables and if they don't unlock it in time then electric shock will be sent into the cables.
How the person would die:::
They would be shockes with 20,000 volts of electricity until their arms explode
The person would blled to death if they tried to pull the hooks out
Forget what everyone else has to say about the saw franchise. What matters is what I have to write. People seem to have such a hard time with this movie only because there not paying attention to the storyline. Jigsaw{Tobin Bell} uses a vast variety of analogies pertaining to a certain something without actually saying what it is. First off, let me get my ducks in a row and lets not count our chickens before they hatch. In the first movie {Saw}Dr. gordon survived Jigsaws intense survival of the fittest"Darwins theory" game. He cut off his foot and is free to go. jigsaw is a man of his word, he wants you to appreciate your life. So Dr. Gordon survived and shortly after he left the room {in which he couldn't have gotton to far} Jigsaw reveals his carcas in the middle of the room was no dead body but a mere distraction jst like everything else seemed to be. Then John leaves the room and did run into Dr. Gordon. "Theres no if,ands, or buts about it{I don't care what anyone says} Amanda survived his game and had nothing to live for, that is why she became his apprentice but for Dr. Gordon, who can be so conclusive as to what he has to say about this. He's a doctor, John isn't. Now in saw, 2 people survived. In saw 2, the only person that survived was the son of the cop that was shot in saw 3. John is a smart man and he thinks and is always one step ahead." he has his ducks in a row" And in saw 3, the only one that survives to our known knowledge of belief is that guy who was the husband of the doctor whose head was blown off. In saw 1, the black guys throat was slashed and he was far from an ambulance{not even 4 minutes from one} but he managed to survive. Now Jigsaw is lying in the bed and flatlines but you gotta think" he is always one step ahead" everybody is so blind" That guy survives in saw 3 only coming to grasp with known knowledge of his daughters dissapearence and her whereabouts. In saw 2, opening sceen where the guy must cut out his eyeball and get the key that was SURGICALLY put there, on the video he was watching moments before his death, you could see the man whos identy is { Dr. Gordon } limp with his left foot thus not having a right foot. Why would jigsaw limp. Theres a reason behind everything jigsaw does. So let me summarize everything up for you reader.
SAW 1- Amanda lives and Dr. Gordons survives
SAW 2- Amanda is Jigsaws apprentice. Daniel{the boy, son of the cop} survives.
SAW 3- That one guy who was put through a series " live or die " { a forgive me for what i've done type of situation} and jigsaw.
hahhaa...saw is so cool.....i bet that in saw 4 jigsaw takes off his skin and reveals that he is an alien...and then his alien friends come down and make the entire earth play a game...possibly amanda was the queen of the alien race and had also been having sex with the king of france...
I am in love with the saw movies
Yes of course they did have jigsaw with a sliced neck. But if you remember so did the detective in saw 1. He made a full recovery so maybe jigsaw will also.
I don't really care what they do as long as the movie has an appropriate ending.
Cache says:
I read though this whole page, I have to say, its amazing the way the human mind works and how easy were are to make enemies.
Everyone had such a great idea (except for the alien and spell people, I mean c'mon. Saw is brillant, it would not slulk to that level, not even for the ammount of money they could make.)
They guy who was two above me is on the right track. And the one who commented on the potential wife and wax corvered tape.
>>Copy-cat killer? No
>>Dr. Gordon, Matthew one or two, Amanda (possibly living from the ideas above myself)? Exellent ideas!
>>John living? Even better.
Again with the black man who lived from his slashed throat John could live, 4 minutes, remeber?
Bottom line is I cant say anything anyone else hasnt thought of already, but the Saw team is the most gifted and intelligent people I have come across and they will find a way to please the true Saw fans.
(I fully agree with the person who said the true Saw fans are the ones who can recall each and every persons death.)
I cant wait for October, see you all in the theaters =)
The Trap: (no crafty name yet)
What it would do: Rip outs the victims spinal cord.
To be honest i have not seen all of the Saw movies, though i have seen the first one and was intellectually blown away by the crazed genius that thinks of this, honestly, it's amazing how the creators thought of this, and what's a bit more troubling is how they thought it up and what went through their mind.
I know i don't have much to say about this, but i'll be sure to see the rest of the films and hopefully the fourth that should come oute next year. Until then i'll be getting more ideas. ; )
We will definately find out about what happened to Daneil. And then i will kill everyone on Saw V.
I love all the saw trilogy's in fact im gettin all 3 on dvd soon as this 3rd one comes out on dvd.In my opinion let them make as many saws as they want but please be shur tobin bell is in all of them because with out him i believe that will kill every sequal after that and b4 you know it lionsgate will not even make a quarter of their profits. like i said if they can come up with some intelligant idea for saw4 i say go all the way just like the ROCKY movies lol One more thing i must menchine i red somewhere that 2 drop out college kids really wrote the SAW story then lionsgate bought it from them i just hope they got a good check from twisted pictures.
No, whats going to kill Saw is putting a man in every movie who should be dead from an inoperable brain tumor(lets not forget that his skull has a nice little hole in it). The writers have one hell of a task in explaining why John is still alive...
previously, I posted...
Anonymous said...
you've all been put through a test and you've all failed it. here's a simple question and another chance, Can you recall the deaths of each individual in SAW II? you don't know SAW, all you've done is SEEN it-
7:28 PM
Now listen up!! someone DESCRIBE/EXPLAIN the death of the girl whose hands where trapped in the glass box in SAW II. ( all YOU could do is reenact her screams, nothing more. go watch it, then post- )
Great classics like 'Nightmare...', 'Friday the 13th', 'Halloween' got spoiled because the producers got greedy, and milled half-decent sequels just to milk the cash cow.
I hope the producers, writers, directors will still use their creativity and follow the RULES that made the Saw franchise improve with every film.
Forget about the blood and the gore, in my personal opinion, what makes the Saw franchise click is the wit, the twists, the colorful, realistic characters, and the seamless continuity.
If and when they make the sequels, please follow the RULES:
- Jigsaw abhors murderers. Please dont make him become one. In essence, all his victims killed themselves. He is -- in his own twisted way -- a teacher.
- He is mortal. Just like you and me, fallible and can be killed. It adds to the drama. Please dont make him come back from the dead, or a spirit, or a reincarnated product of magic or voodoo. Let it be that he flat-lined in Saw 3, but he called the paramedics anyway, they were there in 4 minutes and is revived.
- He is a crusader with a serious agenda. Dont make him into a stand-up comic like how Freddy evolved into. In defense in Mr Krueger, he did pull it off amazingly, but then again it's his department, don't let Jigsaw go down that road.
- The trilogy, while continuing the franchise, always added substance to the mythology of Jigsaw, even double-backing upon itself several times. Which was good, because you leave the cinema knowing more about how this persona evolved. Dont make sequels where the goal is just to make the viewer squirm or throw up. Please dont exchange the substance with money.
- To see Dr Lawrence Gordon again.
- To have a copycat murderer, a poser who only likes the kill, but does not give the victim a lesson and just kills them, like how Amanda was. Jigsaw then is forced to help the police to get this guy, or gets the poser himself (whichever way) and they end up playing games against each other, still adhering to the principle that if the killer learns to become a better person, he will survive -- but go to jail of course.
- NO RESSURECTION, NO MAGIC, NO SUPERNATURAL STUFF. Those belong to Freddy, Jason and Mike. Let Jigsaw be original.
as you recall john was smiling when the other guy sliced he neck.
I think that he had a trick up his sleeve...
I highly doubt that Dr. Lawrence Gordon is the one we're after here.
If anybody is going to take over for Jigsaw, it would have to be Eric Matthews. He's got a firey personality on him, not to mention...a bit of a bruised ego since his son has not been found, and he's probably the most vindictive of all of the victims of all of the Saw movies that we have right now. Seeing as though Jigsaw's heart monitor is off, and we see him drowning in the blood from his neck it would be ridiculous to see Jigsaw come back to life. The only thing we can suspect is there is some unfinished business regarding the story line that is going to have Jigsaw prequelled in certain respects (as in, how he perhaps mentored this new accomplice, or perhaps of videos that he's made of himself to follow through his work with another person). Though I suspect we're going to at least see something regarding that piece of paper that Amanda pulled out as well. It was kind of funny how Amanda suddenly turned against Jigsaw when she saw that piece of paper. Was Jigsaw the killer or does he have an accomplice of some sort other than Amanda? Those are the questions we need to be answering here I'd say. It would seem likely, since my suspicion here is that Amanda realized that Jigsaw was not telling her something. Perhaps, he had another accomplice in mind to take on his work, since this is what Amanda was so gung ho about at the end of the 2nd Saw movie. And this piece of paper therefore told her that someone else would be taking over John's work, and not Amanda. A hack em up slash em up movie is not to be anticipated here though, so having a guy who goes around killing people for the sake of killing should not be anticipated here. He has to have a good smart head on his shoulders. And being that Eric Matthews was somehow wise enough to break through that chain as he did, without cutting off his foot like Dr. Gordon did......I'd say he may well have proved himself to John as a viable follow up to complete the work that he started (not to mention, he's a cop...and is really good at planning chess moves 2-3 steps ahead).
Regarding the victim of the shard glass...she was a dead cookie, no doubt.
And...thats another thing, why did Jigsaw let Eric Matthews escape after beating the living tar out of Amanda?
You also seem to forget...Daniel Glover was shot by Zepp in the 1st Saw movie. He's gone.
as you recall john was smiling when the other guy sliced he neck.
I think that he had a trick up his sleeve...
Thats a John Maddenism to say the least :).
Now listen up!! someone DESCRIBE/EXPLAIN the death of the girl whose hands where trapped in the glass box in SAW II. ( all YOU could do is reenact her screams, nothing more. go watch it, then post- )
2 things wrong with this.
1...she had gas leaking into her lungs to the point she was so desperate for the needles she could barely even stop to think before sticking her hands through the shard glass.
2....bleeding profusely as she was, its likely she died from massive blood loss.
No, whats going to kill Saw is putting a man in every movie who should be dead from an inoperable brain tumor(lets not forget that his skull has a nice little hole in it). The writers have one hell of a task in explaining why John is still alive...
Me: The assumption here is that John IS still alive. I don't think he is.
The tagline of the movie is legends never die. i dont think that john ended up dying. its quite possible that he could have been recessitated or something.
Me: Right. Even still, this usually refers to someone AFTER they die. Its also possible that it could be referring to someone else. The legend need not be Jigsaw.
After watching the SAW trilogy, we preassume that jigsaw is dead or is he really? The legend continues!!! What clues do we have to go on to justify the means of having chapter 4 & 5. Just like in SAW we assume he was dead, but disguises himself until the end, which make him a good makeup special effects artist to think he is dead. He has everything already thought out & preconceived of what the victim is going too do.
There are other clues, Eric Mathews was the only survivor in saw II, just as ammanda escaped from his trap in SAW, he becomes the 2nd apprentence, in which he could become the copy cat jigsaw killer. Because we hear kerry explained in the last trap she found was not jigsaw pattern of an enclosing a door. And when kerry was in her trap. We didn't see who walked in on her. We assumed it was ammanda, maybe not???
And if the story continues where it leaves off, we must assume that the game is not over for jeff. He too must go thru a torture test.
Me: Dude, you just hit the nail on the head.
Wasn't Kerry the lady cop? What was her last reaction? That was a chillin' post you just made here.
Detective Kerry and Eric Matthews didn't have the best of relationship in the 2nd Saw either.......
And, that was the only lady that I saw absolutely no reason for them to go after. But if Matthews was in fact a 2nd apprentice, as we are suspecting here.......then we've already determined that that would be the only viable reason for her to be a victim!
The only thing I remember from Kerry in Saw 3 was her screaming and yelling, "You....You......" as if she was totally and utterly shocked! Matthews has to be it!
Kerry returns in Saw III while investigating another Jigsaw-related crime. Worried that the victim may be Eric, she soon realizes that the trap is unusual for Jigsaw's MO, as there was no possible escape. Later, while watching the tape left for Troy, her TV switches to a camera's point of view, coming from her closet. She walks up to it after firing a couple rounds into the closet door, and opens the door hesitantly before Amanda sneaks up behind her and kidnaps her.
Kerry then wakes up, hanging from a ceiling in several chains that are connected to a harness on her torso. As she awakes, a key is dropped down into a suspended jar that is just above her head. The key begins dissolving in the liquid inside of the jar, and a TV in front of Kerry turns on, revealing Billy, Jigsaw's puppet, who delivers a message that informs Kerry that she has spent most of her life with the dead, understanding them more than she does the living. The message also informs her that the harness is hooked into her ribcage, and that once the tape ends, she'll have one minute to get the key out of the corrosive acid and unlock her harness before it tears her torso open. Kerry then plunges her hand in to get the key, but pulls it out in agony before putting it back in a second time, this time successfully retrieving the key. She quickly stuffs the key into the padlock, and is horrified to find that it does nothing to open the harness. She looks up as Amanda (perhaps Eric Matthews, instead?) walks in, realizing that the harness, like Troy's body chains trap, has no escape. She pulls down on the chains as the harness rips her torso wide open, exposing her internal organs.
Something fishy is going on here......thats from Wikipedia!
Theres also a prequel already out which John used to work for a Toy Division, before he was diagnosed with cancer and went to go see Dr. Lawrence Gordon as well......That girl appears in this prequel as well (the one he professes his love to).
Good stuff there.
But what on earth did Jigsaw mean when he said that "he had to clean up the mess" that Amanda left?
And what about "Look closely Detective Matthews."? What did he mean there? Also......why did he get divorced from his wife? He has such a firey streak.....I'm telling you, thats our new killer.
I don't believe however we are going to discover this until the very end of the movie...Saw 4, Legends Never Die!
Eric Matthews in fact the Legend that is being spoken of here, not Jigsaw.
Might Kerry have been his wife?
I'm thinking of the possibility that Jeff may be a doctor as well, and could patch ol' Jiggy up. Personally, I loved this movie and would enjoy seeing where else this could go, and that sounds slightly within reason.
No motive to do this.
or maybe the writers will stupidly ressurect John, despite the fact that anyone suffering those injuries should die(not to mention the cancer thats already killing him, and no theres no way they come up with a cure for it over night) Since its been said that saw 5 wont be a prequel, I just somehow see the upcoming sequels bombing big time in terms of realistic storytelling, and as a result will bomb overall.
Doubtful........I don't see Saw 5 being a prequel at all. They've already got one of those.
I just watched the movie yesterday. I thought it was great. There should definetly be a IV. Matthews and Gordon are still alive. AND, just before the doctor gets shot by Amanda, Jigsaw pours wax from a candle over one of those small tapes he uses. The wax would seal it to the table that was next to him. It was not used, but you absolutely see him sealing it over with the wax.
I personally think he knew he was about to die here. step ahead like we've been saying before.
What about Jiggy's flashback to where he was with that woman? What if after he had be told he had cancer he sought out a therapist and she "enlightened" him. She is still out there and could be in another city doing it. Dective Daniels is a mere local detective not FBI so if that lady is discovers it becomes a federal case. Voila we have Saw IV.
Me: Interesting.......but what motive?
5:12 AM
Roger McSawrocks said...
Okay, Im not saying this is is what will happen, but its a possibility. Jigsaw has a switch to activate his heart monitor and flatlines it after Jeff slashes him with a blunted saw with a blood pack.
he really did cut his neck, but just after he gets slashed, he rings the cops. He flatlines his monitor to distract Jeff from any more damage. Cops come and get an Ambulance for her.
I'm just saying, just because it seems unlikely, it doesnt mean its impossible.
Me: If Saw 3 ended like that...maybe. But not the beginning to Saw 4.
I'm asuming we may me more of past victims perhaps even the good docter Gordon himself since we have yet to learn if he died or not thus far we have only seen his severed foot and not his corpse. With Jigsaw's inclination to not killing victims he may have allowed Gordon to survive deeming the fact he cut his foot off and survived the ordeal to have been enough pain for him to experiance, since he most likely saw Adam as week since he failed to get free of his chains. Since most people speculate that he most likely let mathews go which I also consider to be ture I see no reason that he would not let the wounded doctor go since we can asume he met the injured doctor who couldn't of got far with his wound.
Me: That was one of the things I checked for in the hallway from Saw 3. Gordon's body is not there, so I'm left to assume he lived.
I think saw is one of the greatest films of horror in our times. Since the exorcist in 2001 Ive never seen anything like it, ultil Saw came out =) I tought Saw I was boring couse I tought: "Hey, one more horror movie", then saw II came out and things starts to look more interesting. I really do hope Saw gets 1 or 2 more movies, but not extend to much the history couse it gets boring.
I havn't seen saw 3 yet, (residing in Denmark - it just opened in theaters, and it is more fitting for the home theater - so you can do your squirming on your own - so I'll wait) - and since I havn't seen it I've not read everything here (it would probably spoil the movie for me).
But... but.. but..
Saw 4/5 with a Jigsaw copycat would be dissapointing - the series have been innovative and inventive to the extreme, please don't do the same old copycat thing once more - it's been done ad nauseam.
Starting to introduce the supernatural element would be even worse - then we're going from something possible (perhaps not plausible) to something impossible (and for sure inplausible).
I would love to not only be a nay-sayer and contribute with some original thoughts, but sadly I have none on what to do instead... But - if the series holds up to I and II then I will be surprised (and not just a little scared) when it happens!
The SAW series is doing great! I'm glad that they're coming out with SAW IV and SAW V! But like most of you are worried about, I don't want them to ruin the series. Not to mention Leigh Whannell has stopped writing the SAW movies since he is happy happy with it only being a trilogy. But what I'm thinking is, that since Jigsaw started a game at the end of the 3rd the 4th movie will be based off of that. Jeff will be searching for his daughter by following Jigsaw's clues. But at this time, Jigsaw and Amanda are both dead and these clues were set up ahead of time. Yet, while Jeff plays his game, he will go threw the sewers under Jigsaw's hideout. In these sewers, there will be multiple challenges set up. Jeff will come across various people that he does not know and will have to help them in order to save his daughter. At the end, Jeff and the only survivor, JJ, will come across the bathroom from the other movies. Jeff will trip and get knocked out and wake up chained to the pipe like the previous people. JJ will be standing in the doorway and reveal that he is John Kramer Jr., or better yet, Jigsaw Jr. He will reveal that the note that Jigsaw had given to Amanda before they died was telling her that she could ruin her life if she wanted because he had a kid that was going to take over for him instead. JJ's mother would be the girl that Jigsaw was dreaming about as he was dying. Then JJ will slam the door shut and the screen would fade out like the previous movies.
How does that sound for SAW 4? Personally, I like it. Not to mention it actually fits. Let me know how you like my ideas for SAW 4 and then I'll let you know what I think will happen in SAW 5!
He faked his death in the first one and he probably faked it again and live through the whole series, but i guess we will just have to wait and find out.
Ok... after the 2 hours it took me to read this... I concluded a few things!
Frist, if you are going to post, please make sure what you write reads the way you want it to! I can't understand what some of you are trying to say!!!
Second, some of you have way too much time on your hands to think this up(and I have too much time to read) lol
Third, the only things that make sense are dr. gordon, amanda, and jeff living. MAYBE jigsaw is alive,probable no... possiable ...yes!!!
I don't even want to take a guess at this one ... Ill end up making myself insane...and I dont have that kind of time.
Maybe saw 4 is about a bunch of people addicted to comming up with theroies of saw 4... jigsaw sends virusus to all thier computers ... they all end up losing thier online and end up commiting suicide like emo bitches!!! LOL JK
I may be going out on a limb here... but does anyone realize (atleast to my knowledge) that they never did show what 'exactly' happend to dr.lawrence.... perhaps he has something to do with the up-coming saws?? -cough-
I think SAW IV will have Eric Mathews as the next Jigsaw. Amanda never actually kills him and when she says she took his life because he took hers John corrects her and says he had to clean up for her mistakes. It also seems like an extended amount of time went by between II and III (Amanda's hair grew long) which brings me to the conclusion that Eric was being groomed during this time. I didn't really think too much of the first SAW but have come to enjoy the series through II and III. I might actually make it to the theatre to see the fourth.
Okay, why are people saying that Dr. Gordon is still alive? Did anybody even WATCH the second movie? In the end when Amanda and Daniel go into the bathroom, there are THREE corpses in there. One is Adam, the other is that Zepp guy, and the third is Dr. Gordon! There is a corpse sitting against the same wall that Gordon was shackled to and it has blonde hair and a blue shirt, the same thing that Dr. Gordon was wearing when he was trapped in there with Adam. And not only that, but the corpse is missing a foot! Hello!
I honestly don't have a good explanation to why Gordon is back in the bathroom since we clearly saw him crawl out of it in the end of the first movie. But maybe Amanda dragged him back in there? She killed Adam, we saw that in the third movie. So if she would kill Adam, why wouldn't she pull Dr. Gordon back into the room to die as well? And even if she gave him the chance to get away, he had sawed off his foot! He was losing a lot of blood and fast. So maybe he died from loss of blood while he was trying to escape and maybe Amanda just dragged him back into the bathroom.
Anyway, anybody saying that Dr. Gordon is still alive and that it's possible he's the next apprentice needs to go back and watch the second movie and pay very close attention to the end of it. There are three corpses in the bathroom and he is one of them!
People in here seem to think that Jigsaw has to have died immediately. With all of the clever things that he has done, he could easily have rigged the heart rate monitor to shut down with the push of a button. He may have been taken to a hospital, if he had called for an ambulance. There are many possibilities for Jigsaw and his fate. Yes, the cancer makes him weak, but if he is revived, and even incarcerated, he can be kept alive. The likelyhood is that something along these lines will happen in Saw IV, and perhaps he will encounter Dr. Gordon, who will finish him off, leaving V a prequel or a new Jigsaw. I am positive that Dr. Gordon is in IV, because the new tagline is "the doctor is in". I know that no matter what, IV will be as good as the rest. V may end it all, and here's hoping it does it leaving fans happy.
Honestly, I'm hoping that Jigsaw is still alive. However, I do not have any sort of explanaiton as to how he possibly could be. A lot of people are saying that he might have had a button that turned off his heart monitor...but why? He even says in the damn movie that he despises killers. If he turned off his heart monitor on purpose, that would've made him a killer due to the fact that Lynn's collar was triggered by it.
I'm not even going to see a Saw IV if they make one. What a money grab. The trilogies amazing for what it is, leave it alone!!
I heard a rumour that Dr. Gordon is the next to follow in jigsaws footsteps. and it's possible, in the 2nd saw film how do we know it was john kramer doing the eye surgery on michael. and thats a pretty big limp he has. maybe a fake leg?
one of the next films from saw will probably be the prequel. or maybe they'll tie it all in togeter and end on 4 before they take it too far
Leave It Alone! Keep it a trilogy and come out with something else! fours and fives never work! You'll all see when they make part four.
i wrote saw 4 .....just wait till october 31st i promise youll like the movie
Long thread guys…
Well, I think we kinda forgot someone who might have survived saw 2 as well…
remember the girl that got her hands stuck in the box with the needle? She was still standing when that big guys looked at her number, and he just left her there. Now although she was poisoned like the rest of the people in saw 2, who really knows if Amanda picked her up later, right?
Now about the doctor who did the eye surgery on Michael, maybe it’s Gordon, maybe someone else… he did not do that alone though. Jigsaw’s into gears and traps and stuff, but my guess is that pulling an eye out AND putting it back is a little out of his area of expertise.
Saw 4?
Well, my guess is time line loops all over again. So think about this: on one time line, Jeff tries to save his girl, on another, a doctor (maybe Gordon) tries to overcome a couple of traps himself, only to find the last challenge is to save the dieing Jigsaw! And about Mathews? When Jigsaw “cleaned up”, I think this means we’ll see him in the opening 10 min’ or so, probably in a really nasty trap…
On another story line, maybe the medics just got on time, Jigsaw was sent to recovery, then to jail. Saw 4 would be how he turned prison into his privet box of horrors, and then he escapes!
Ok whoever said there were 3 corpses in the bathroom area in the end of saw 2 is incorrect. There are only 2 corpses along with the foot. They never show a third. Dr. Gordon is alive and well I'm sure. Now whether or not he's in this film I dont know however I think it would be interesting if he was...
sure i like the saw movies, but yous guys are acting like losers. go outside and take a walk, find a girlfriend, or go to the gym. lets just wait till halloween ok? oh, and you guys with the trap ideas are phucking sick, you know that right? i'm going to have sex now, yes, with a real person!have a nice day.
i think jigsaw has a daughter or son, or even his wife??? why else would they show his girlfriend/ wife that one time when he was having a flashback holding the doctors hand?
Saw IV
John kramer is dead but has left in place some nasty games for jeff.through out the film you will see a hooded figure watching it all on a monitor you will be lead to belive it is dr gordon or mathews but it will be a new unexplained person.the final few scenes of the film will explain that kramer and mathews are dead and the doctor is happy living with his family.So who is the new person you will have to wait for saw 5.
p.s. amanda is dead she would not make a good jigsaw because she does not give her victims the chance to servive the only reason you keep watching is to see if the person servives.
Saw V:Prequel
the opening scene will be john in park with a mystry blond(his wife)he will be filming her with video camera,he is attacked.a man has hit him on the head(explains brain tumor)and killed his wife.he then spends the next couple of months(in hospital) devising cruel and painful game for his wifes killer.
the films final scene will be john and son(mystry figure from end of film four)planing more cruel games for other people(amanda,guy in barbed wire).
thanks Rob.f
I think for starters, Saw 1 had a clever accpect 2 it. Watchin Saw 2 last week and Saw 3 last night was a real wake up call 2 me...How no one should be wakin this knida viloence in a movie cuz stuff like this acaully happens...and its discusting that u guys get mnoey out of this...
I myself am into making movies. Im writing a horror movie right now. and i spend all my time thinking about stuff like this. if i had to make saw 4, heres what it wuld be.
Basically the cool thing from saw 1 was the mystery and horror. waking up ina room and not knowing whats going on! then getting to know the people in that room! its genious! so it starts out with dr. gordon waking up in the bathroom. then hes freaking out. in the middle of the room is the corpse of the jigsaw killer. then across from them are amanda, and that dood form then of saw 3, i forget his name so ill clal him jerry lol. but this creates tons of mystery! why are they all there, is john dead? who put them there. they are all chained to the wall except for amanda. (WHY ISNT SHE CHAINED YOU WONDER!??!?!) (more mystery) but this isnt the normal bathroom from saw 1. Its been upgraded. now it has stalls. in those stalls are death games that amanda has to attach to the other people chained to the walls, and make them play. by the end everyone in the room survives there game. but amanda being a greedy bitch, kills jerry (the guy form the end of saw 3) all of a suddon dr gordon comes off the wall (yes he undid his chain) and shoots amanda in the leg. she falls to the ground. she asks whats going on, but then relizes it through a series of flashbacks. dr gordon was also jigsaw apprentice, but he worked alone on other deathgames. (and helped him sugically implant the key in saw 2 and do other death games.) but when jigsaw suspects amanda of being a killer, he gets dr gordon to help him out. then amanda looks at jigsaws corpse in the middle of the room and he gets up!!! OMG! how!??!?! dr gordon explains, he cured him of his cancer after saw 2. and after everyone in saw 3 was dead or knocked out he went in there and helped heal that throat up. It turns out the pretending to have cancer was jsut to trick amanda in saw 3 to further test her and her loyalty. then she asks why jerry was in the room. Well at the end of saw his last game to find his daughter was to learn to forgive one last time, and settle a score. one of his death games was to kill amanda but she kills him first. it also turns out dr gordon was having afairs, WITH JERRYS WIFE. so he was suppose to forgive him, and release him. but he died before that could happaned, cuz amanda still didnt learn her lesson. then in the last bathroom stall you hear crieing. and its jerrys daughter, WHO IS REALLY DR GORDONS DAUGHTER!!! dr gordon picks her up, and they walk out of the room. then they look back at amanda, and say game over together, and slam the door!
Yea, ummm, i thought of something. who says jigsaw isnt crazy. i meens eriosuly he stuff he does is wierd shit, no doubt. Who says hes the firs JIGSAW. maybe the photographer in saw 1, had to die because he was the first jigsaw, hence the reason hes a camera creeper, and jigsaw needed tog et rid of him and clim the legecy for himself. and maybe amand aisnt a killer, jigsaw just set her up to be, so he culd kill her, cuz he didnt like her stealing her thunder. now this is very unlikely, but hey, arent the saw films all about possibilties?
if i had to write saw 5 it would be:
well the whole point of these death games are too spread the word, take advantige of life, live it to the fullest, tell your freinds. but so far its only beena few subjects. 5 people wake up ina classroom. (6 years after the original) instanly they all reconize eachother. there all teachers form one of those schools that takes care of the bad kids, like a kid jail place. but they start freaking out. in the desks there are deathgames. but they are different. they are the most horable death games of them all. These are the most extreme, gory, and horabble death games ever. they evensay they are. but they are the worst cuz they are teachers. after a while
there is only 1 teacher left. the door opens, dr gordon rushes in and starts fixing her horrable wounds, cuz she would die otherwise. jigsaw walks in and starts explaining stuff. she starts reconizing dr gordon. then it clicks. all of a suddon dr gordons daughter walks into the room. (rememebr form my previous post that u thought she was the dood form the end of the 3rd ones, bah read it) sshe is one of the teahcers students. i meen seriously a girlwho grew up with the jigsaw killer and his apprentice would go toa skool like that. but she explains she choose the teachers, the tuffest in the skool, the best candidates. the reason teh death games where so hard, was because they needed to rly make you want to spread the word, like really do it. then it fades out. and fades into the teacher with her class. she walks oevr to the door and locks it. then she says "students, put your books away, today were gonna do something different.." then she smiles at the daughter of dr gorden... "today, i want to play a game"
I have grown to love the Saw trilogy and have seriously considered all possibilities for Saw 4. I can't say for sure what will happen, but from reading previous opinions and watching the movies a few times more I agree that Dr. Gordon will take Jigsaws place. Jigsaw needed the doctor to do the surgery to place the key behind the mans eye in the beginning of Saw 2; seeing the limping man (Dr. Gordon) on the video which confirms this. After recruiting him for this procedure Im sure his expertise came in handy a few more times throughtout the series and I believe in Saw 4 he will go from a behind the scenes man to replace the mastermind himself.
so, in saw 3, almost at the end when Amanda is pointing the gun and lynn and her and Jigsaw are sort of arguing, and she asks "why is she so important to you?" and he replies "shes not important to me, shes important to you." Im really curious to know what he meant by that. I mean, Amanda and Lynn kinda look alike, sorta dark skin, long dark hair, could they be related? [hey, thats better then some of the ideas some of you have come up with.] I deffanetely do agree with the fact that Dr. Gordan helped Jigsaw out, i never realize that the man on the tape is limping, which he really is. That's genius.
C'mon People think about it...!
Firstly lets remember it is only a film so the writers have some artisic license where certain injuries occur, i.e jig's throat cut.And the writers have left enough options open to twist or turn many ways.If you watch the part where Amanda returns to the room after reading her envelope her attitude to lynne is very aggressive, and she says "She hasn't changed, nobody changes" whilst gesturing the gun towards Lynne.Also earlier in the film where Jig tells her where the envelope is he say's to her "there's some things I need you to do for me" why leave her instructions if he felt she might fail her test, it is possible that the envelope revealed an unknown relationship between Amanada & Lynne or maybe for Amanda to play along as part of the game.As for the therories of Dr Gordon being the next Jigsaw, remember Amanda became his apprentice because she had nothing to live for, where as Dr Gordons Wife & Daughter were still alive, I'm not ruling out a Dr Gordon return in some form, but remember they have to persuede the origonal actors to return, as to replace the character's with different actors would be totally crap.It is possible for people to flatline and recover in real life, so definatly possible in a film, maybe it was one of his cunning tricks, and it would not help Geoff to finish him off as he is locked in the room, and his only chance of escape is if jig is alive, I doubt he'd look under the wax hoping to find a tape all by himself.As for the limp in saw II jig limped in saw 1 after he got up after apparently being shot in the warehouse.Any replacement of Jigsaw by another character is doubtful in my opinion, also I have read a quote by Tobin Bell that he is happy to continue with the Saw Franchise as long as he can keep recreating that "Kramer Voice" also I think it is now widely known that Whannel & Wan are to be Executive Producers on Saw IV and Bousman has agreed to return to direct, production starts on April the 16th in Vancouver.As yet no news of any casting only speculation, but in my opinion I think we'll see Jigsaw, Amanda & Geoff all back for a part IV SEQUEL
I think in Saw 4 they should have Jeff go on to find out that another game is playing with a bunch of people like in the 2nd one. And thta there are exits but a trap is in it. And at the end there is a tape recorder in his pocket saying he is alive and he has his daughter. So he finds out his daughter is on Jigsaws side and theres a bomb about to go off as they shut the door saying GAME OVER when amanda stops the timer gets up and shuts the door. Then turns the timer on and Jeff dies. Then she goes to Jigsaw sayin sorry and he forgives. Jigsaw says amanda this is your new apprentice and you find out the little girl is Amandas apprentice!
well thats a good therory ...... except amanda has a bullet hole in her neck and jigsaw has a gash in his throat aswell as a hole in his skull.... any further ideas??
I think the whole time jigsaw was playing the game and he wasn't the killer. Maybe someone gave HIM a tape.....
Dr Gordon Therory......
i think dr gordon was workign with jigsaw from the start especially when you think about Paul (the razor wire guy). How did jigsaw know he tried to commit suicide? Maybe Paul got treated for his self inflicted wounds by Dr Gordon who then told John.
when Lawrance saw amanda talking about her excperience he tried to stop being like John who got angry about it so decided to capture him (saw1)
Lets think about it. Jigsaw never really gives any good reason as to why Lawrance is there apart from "giving people the news that they are going to die soon." But that is part of Dr. Gordons job he could hardly say "you're here cos you quit on me." it would have ruined the plan for saw1
meanwhile John is training Amanda (afterall she prooved herself worthy) but when things began to go wrong he gave Lawrance another go when he too prooved himself worthy by hacking his own leg off.
so he managed to save him, get him a fake leg, and gives him Michael (the death mask) as his first test subject.
The majority of these comments and speculations appear to be the work of moronic monkeys who've been trained to type. Obviously, people are very excited and enthusiastic about the Saw movies. That's understandable as they are clever and entertaining. Thank God no one here has been hired to write any of the screenplays!!
It does make sense to assume that Dr Gordon and Eric Mathews are still very much alive. The tape that Jigsaw seals in wax in Saw 3 is clearly going to be an important part of the new story. Also the flashbacks to the woman he loves may give some indication that the next film will be part prequel and part set in the present, much as Saw 3 itself was. Other than these basic "facts", it's probably pointless to speculate anymore. Like everyone else here though, I'm really looking forward to seeing Saw 4!
I jut want to know why the hell would DR. Gordon do this(help Jigsaw) because if he survived he would want to get his family and move away as far as possible from where they previously live, especially from what happened to him and also i dont think he would of made it because he would of lost lots of blood from cutting his foot off, also when he talks to Adam, Gordons face is as pale as a Daz whitened t-shirt and that was just crawling from the other end of the room so he wouldnt of got far anyway.
Maybe when dr gordon was crawling out and jigsaw left the room he helped him because he won the game
in the third movie when jigsaw got his throat cut i beleave gordon was a surgion so he could revive him because there was stuff for surgury in that room
the skull cutting part conferms that
the only complicated thing is is the guy that cut jigsaws throat is still in the room so it would be hard to revive him lol
I beleave there was a wax thing with a tape in it and i think that would be the next game for the guy
there was also rumor that in the biggining of saw 3 when it shows the guy with the hook in his jaw one of the cops says "alls he had to do was take off the chains" or something along those lines so its possible that the cop was working for jigsaw
just some ideas
OK theres a lot to get thorough here!
1) the way teh SAW movies play with your mind....u can't always trust what they show you....remember SAW 2 when we all thought it was real-time and it turns out to be a recording!!! I'm just saying that a lot of the time they show you 'Flash backs' but their not realy stuff that happened... there stuff people think happened!
2) Saw 3 Kerry. okay so u know who she is and we saw her death.... but we didn't see who walked in on her...admitadley at the near the end of the film there is a scene where we see Amanda standing in what appears to be the same place and dressed in smilar clothing as the person we caught a glimps of. this scene maybe be what happened...or it could be what john thought had happened.
Also there is no real reason to kill Kerry..other than the fact shes on to the trail of their being another jigsaw/coppy cat killer! which we too assume to be Amanda...But did any one else notice the creepy pathology guy?! u know the one who stole one of those chain rings that was holding Troy? If there is a copy cat killer who isn't realted to jigsaw then it MUST be him...especially as the whole 'Why did he steal evidence thing is unresolved'
3) it maybe be just me but in alot of the 'backstory' scenes we see of seems to me that she has trouble coming to terms with some of the things jigsaw asks her to do...especially chronologicaly early in the story. E.g. shes cries and seems emotionally distort at capturing Adam, and then the whole setting up of the SAW 1 scene. when she goes back to the Saw 1 room and kills Adam shes seems distressed at having to do it, and it seems like shes doing it out of pity.(i.e. killing adam before he starves dehydrates ect) .Also after closing the door on Mathhews we see her standing in the seem to me she is having trouble coming to terms with the fact she just had to leave some one to die, and even after she was beaten up by him, when he taunted her instead of just walking back angry at him, she instead seems to break down on the floor.
When Jigsaw says emotion is her weakness...I think he means the fact she still epethises too much with people, notice how she reacted when she told Jigsaw that Jeff tried to save the woman in the freezer doesn't seem like the reaction of a heartless kill like she is made out in the final scenes!
finaly notice how through the entire movie she always does exactley what john tells her to do even if she doesn't like it..until then....I beleive that in the envelope John left her was something along the lines of in order for the game to continue your gonna have to kill the Dr, and then Jeff will kill me, this would explain both her reaction to reading the letter, and her sudden change of behaviour, plus he said it was something he NEEDED her to do, and its entirely possible that the rest of the envelope contained blood packs she had to pretend to be dead after she killed the DR...probably to carry on John's work!
so basicly you have to choice, some one who is emotionally weak, has trouble coming to terms with the things Jigsaw requires her to do.... or she is a ruthless kill who sets traps that there a no way out of. These two are at odds with each other and i think the first is more likley (look at the expresion on her face when shs shoots the DR, she doesn't seem to take pleasure in it a killer...the kind who set up the Troy and Kerry traps would!
4)Jigsaw. Now we all know from previous films that he is always 2-3 steps ahead. note Saw 2 particularly, where 'the house' is actually empty by the time the raid the wherehouse....all the footage having been recoreded...and Mathhews son is inside a safe no more than 6' away...yet Jigsaw still goads Mathhews into a reaction. which leads to Jigsaw taking mathhews to the real house where Amanda is waiting. Basicly this guy covers every angel, so he would Know that Jeff would kill him when he gets to him...(esspecially if my previous suspicouns are correct but i'll assume their not for the moment) but he knew what would happen, and though i think its possible that he could have faked having his throat cut...i don't think he did, but if he wanted to he COULD. Saying that some ones vitals dropping to 0 doesn't mean they're mean they're going to die in about 3-6 min if you someone doesn't do something....and people have flatlined longer and been revived...though personally i don't think he will be, personally I think he knew he was going to die, thats what he put in the note and that why Amanda reacted the way she did ((see 3)Amanda).
5)other apprenticies...well thats a triky one, From Saw 3 we know he makes contact with survivours virtually straight away. He was in Amanda's flat/place after she escaped. We know Jigsaw is Smart, but i'm not sure if he would be able to convince Dr.Gordon or Mathhews to come over to his side. Maybe if they both passed out from blood loss, and he nursed them and helped them recover there might be a chance, especially if he told them thier famalies were safe, and then again we don't know what happened to the teacher or prostitue from the house in SAW 2, as i remeber the teacher collapsed and the prostitute ened with her arms trapped in the glass box, but I don't remember ever seeing thier bodies when Mathhews went through the house, If Jigsaw has any other apprenticies its more likley to be them than, Gordon or Mathhews (but then we don't really know what happened to either of these 2 either so its still possible) However I'm convinved that freaky pathologist guy from Troys crime scene is doing copy cat killings of Jigsaw..though completley seperatley and not under his guidence!!
6) Ideas for Saw IV/V. Well IV is probably mainly about Jeff trying to find his daughter. while Amanda (who i beleive is preteneding to be dead and not responsible for the Troy Kerry murders) will try and save Jigsaw...though futiley, though he may recover breifely to give her final guidence..ect. In furture films he could be present in flashbacks of Amandas...after all its clear from Saw 3 that thier realtion ship is deeper that has already been explored so another moive with Amanda continuing jigsaws work, while exploring thier developing relationship over the gap between the first and 2nd film.
we also have loose ends such as what happened to Gordon and mathhews the teacher and prostitute whos bodies we never saw! who poisoned ZEP in Saw 1, how i OBI (SAW 2) connected to JigSaw.
well thats my ideas. though we don't know if Amanda was before or after the other 2 victims in Saw 1, or how many there were before, we could see John's life Before his cancer, him finding out, i knoww at some point he tries to kill him self, and then he does early traps....though mabye some of them are unsucessfull and go wrong who knows?!
Fuck eveyone. Jigsaw flatlines in the third saw. Im 13 and i still know better than u dipshits. Dr gordon surviving is a possibility watch saw 2 beggining watch the dude limp with his left foot. Jigsaw(john) game is to prove that you deserve life. eric matthews might be alive remeber what jigsaw said to amanda about cleaning up her mess. daniel might be alive but i doubt that he is going to become jigsaws new apprentice. saw 4 is about jeff continuing the search for his daughter and he uncovers more of jigsaws past and im pretty sure detective tap from the first saw is alive. alright everyone give me ur comments ok.
it's pretty clear you're only 13, how could detective tapp be alive when he has a bullet in his brain from chasing "zepp".
i think there is a good chance te forensics guy who stole the evidence could be the "copy cat killer" lets look at the clues
when karry walks in the officer says they dont know if it's eric yet, but as soon as she gets in the room, the guy instantly tells her "it's not detective mathews"
then he steals evidence and in a very calm way says "all he had to do was set himself free of the chains and walk out"
if he is the killer, the police are complete dumbasses to not have picked up on it.
He steals evidence??
I never saw this?
What did he take?
i think its quite obvious that you guys dont look and listen to the films proply. when amanda put the thing around lynns neck it did not need a key to be taken off. but if you watch she puts a skeleton shaped key around her neck. ( mebbe for a way out of the room for the next trap or mayb the key to save jeffs daughter.) if you listened to jigsaw he says to amanda something along the lines of " just like you showed detective matthews " its quite obviouse detective matthews is dead. i mean after all if you were geting your head beaten then had an advantage wudnt u kill them ? and with the whole detective mathews son being the next killer. what motive has he got?
im thinking that mayb that tobin bell guy isnt the real jigsaw. think about it. he took amanda on as an " aprentice " well what makes u sure he isnt an " aprentice " just like in saw 1 zepp was told he had a posion , mayb the real jigsaw is dr gordon and put the " fake jigsaw " in there telling him he can cure his cancer or something.
how can you pretend to have cancer? the xrays show an inoperable brain tumor.
BTW aaron the detective steals one of the rings that were attacted to Troy.
i have thought up another reason why he (the detective could be the killer.
ironic how he is the most suspicious there and he's in the police.
what was troys game about?
"despite all of the advantages and privaleges you were given at birth you have returned to PRISON again and again." understandable if you ask me
Fuck me you are right...
It also makes me wonder how he said this isn't detective matthews, he knows a bit more than he is letting on I think...
GAH!! Why are people going on about Eric Matthews being a survivor?
Amanda blatantly tells everyone at the end of 3 that she murdered him. That's why she went back when he was shouting after her.
C'mon people, wake up huh??
We are all aware of this but has anyone seen the body yet?
I don't believe amanda as far as I can fling her!!!
Until I see Eric's corpse Im not satisfied...
Hey All,
As a fan of the Saw movies,Im gonna say this thread has been an interesting read!
I dont have any new ideas or theories that havent been covered already,But can someone clarify this for me..
In oldmates flashback, Jigsaw, Where hes filming his "wife", theres someone walking past her who looks a little like Obi.
See what you reckon....
And I doubt theyll fuck up saw 4!
Had a look there for you mate and it is from a distance but you could be right about it being Obi.
As I said it is from a distance and tbh I doubt if it was him though...
Hi name's Pedro i think that maybe jigsaw faked saying i hate murderers and all the stuff about him not liking amanda to fuel her anger then when she got the "something" she had to do she got even more enraged and then does the exact opposite of what he wrote down that she wanted her to do maybe he said let them go she changed her mind WALKING RIGHT INTO jigsaw's plan then she might listen to the tape thats waxed and figure out that he didnt mean it and that she must carry out the legacy
Comment my theory and sorry if you don't like it
Jeff goes around the house trying to find his daughter Amanda finds him and tranqs him catches all the people that jigsaw most likely told her to on the tape. Comment this also
so jigsaw isn't a fool, that is established. jigsaw never prevents anyone from hitting him (matthews) or hurting him (jeff). there is a LOT more here than meets the eye:
1. jigsaw keeps asking "do you know what the cure for cancer is?"
i think jigsaw has an answer, we've heard of kids how cure their cancer with mind over matter and video games and such...
2. that cop or pathologist is picks up a coil from the nasty piercey-looking troy trap that isn't apparently one of jiggy's works.
the only reason to secretly do something at a crime scene like that is involvement
3. they have intentionally not shown whether gordon or matthews are alive
4. there will be 6 saw films and jigsaw is in all of them so everyone who says he's dead is missing this fact.
5. i hope shawnee is back- the director says he will be working with people he loves so i am pretty sure she is in 4 a LOT
6. what does jig move across the top of the monitor when he is preparing the scene for the next game?
looks like a chess piece or something
7. jigsaw supplies the "implements" for jeff to hurt him with, who is to say they aren't fixed to only go a certain depth. jiggy's smile when jeff is about to preform the delicious slit says there may be a little life left in him.
i don't think jigsaw is supernatural, i don't think he is everlasting, but he will definitely be the main character of 3 more saw movies
i remember the teacher in saw 2 when eric goes in cause he looked at her.....i think.....and i think saw 4 will not be a prequel but a sequel.
troy's trap is made bye jigsaw because on the tape it has jigsaw and kerrys trap i think was either made by amanda or dr. gordon
in saw 3 did lynn die cause i cant remember?..........because the monitor went off so she would have died but did she?
hah. dood. her head blew off when the monitor "flatlined".
shes a goner.
but i really dont think amanda is dead, and Jigsaw CAN'T be dead. They can't make the Saw films without him!
it just doesn't work.
the cure for cancer mystery was questioned and answered in saw 2 with amanda "what is the cure for cancer? the cure for cancer is imortallity. and by creating a lagacy you become imortal"
I have heard that tobin bell has only signed on for 5 saw films not 6.
how can amanda play much of a role in saw 4 WHEN SHE HAS A BULLET HOLE IN HER NECK?
the smile from jigsaw when he is about to be killed is because he knows jeff hasnt changed when he says "you havnt learnt anything tonight have you" but jigsaw knows he will have the last laugh with the tape.
most of the posts here are from idiots. Dr. gordon may be alive but they never covered what happened to him for legal reasons (so im told)
amanda is pretty much dead due to her being shot by jeff.
detective tapp got shot by zepp and is also dead.
i honestly think the only possibillities for the next killer are dr gordon for reasons already explained (big limp with micheal and pen light at pauls death)
and also the detective at troys case. for reasons i have also already explained (going to prison again and again) and already knowing before anyone else that it wasnt eric and stealing the evidence.
I think you are being a bit harsh calling the postees here idiots, and I am finding it rather offesnive to be honest, the people posting here are the same as you and me and just want to get their questions and points accross to the rest of the people therefore maybe we should try and keep the posts a bit more to the point.
yeah im no idiot and dr gordon is still alive!!!!because he was on michael's tape limping so he might take detective matthew's still alive?
Wasn't the room that they were all in at the end of Saw III sealed? With the exception of the rest of the warehouse? So how would it be possible for the ambulance to get to any of them?
Eric's body was never displayed as a corpse but we are lead to believe that the case is he is deceased.
The room in saw 3 was not sealed, Lynn was told on numerous occasions if she leaves outside that door and walks further than 30 metres outside the device attached to her neck will explode and she will die.
and lynn was also told that jigsaw could get an ambulance there so the room had be open the girl who got her wrists cut in saw 2 still alive?
Well we have seen of no body to my knowledge, but she was stuck there and with the mass blood loss she would have died and been aystole in minutes.
Hey, I am a random blokey from the UK, and am a major fam of Saw, and so is my friend. We both think that as long as ther is still a story in Saw, there should be a film, I was completely blown away when I saw the first o0ne, and even more so when I saw the second one, and so on. I think that a fourth one, and a fith would be more than a good idea, and would love to see more beyond that. I found find the story completely and utterly compelling, and that fact that each film ends in a cliff hanger always keeps me on the edge of my seat. So, I hope that this keeps its name in the fourth and lives up to standards in the fith.
Cheers, Louis.
Hi Louis and thanks for joining us...
There will definately be a forth and fifth saw movie, just to let you know ;)
from now on i am goin to put my name on the bottom so i can find my posts easier
and thanks for joining louis=D
The room is sealed right at the end after Jeff kills jigsaw, we see all the doors to the small room that they're in slam shut.
There is an elevator, this is how Amanda enters and exits the building.
I think the detective at the start of part 3 is somehow involved. And possibly Dr. Gordon. Because Amanda was killing off the other survivors to make sure that jigsaw wouldn't find a new helper. But at the end of part 1 jigsaw gets up and leaves only a few minutes after dr. Gordon so he could have helped him and groomed him. I think part four will wrap up alot of stuff, like who was that woman in jigsaw's flashbacks and why was obi in ther as well?? Remember, everything jigsaw does and every victim he picks is very well thought out. If that detective from the beginning of part 3 is involved perhaps the victims were chosen for criminal records and in eric mathews case jealousy. Jigsaw had alot of help along the way and the end of four will blow your mind when it all gets revealed adnd put together. oh yeah jigsaw is dead however he and amanda will appear in flashbacks. Saw always pleases its fans!!!!!
lets get some more opinions!!!! If jigsaw is alive I'll be pretty pissed!!! but I can see him being alive one way that wouldn't bother me. jigsaw+a doctor+a forensic detective=saw 4!!! ever notice all of jigsaw's victims are either criminals or doctors or cops?? Part 4 will be so huge lots to explain, lots going on HUGE!!!!TWIST!!!!
yeah y do u think obi was in the flashback maybe he killed jigsaw's wife and then jigsaw burned him in saw 2.....they all have criminal records or are cops and doctors there is something goin on ....maybe
"Aaron {Moderation} said...
There is an elevator, this is how Amanda enters and exits the building."
If you're talking about the elevator in the second one he's not in that same room, and I'd ver much doubt it if he's even in the same building seeing as the police would know where he is. Watch the end of the third one again when He cuts his throat and you will see the doors slamming shut. He's hardly going to make it as easy as waiting 4 minutes for an ambulance crew to come along and let Jeff out when hes gone to all the trouble of setting up another game in the event that he gets killed by Jeff.
2:16pm said:
"Watch the end of the third one again when He cuts his throat and you will see the doors slamming shut."
I have lent my copy to a friend but will check it out as soon as it gets back, anyone else wish to verify for the mean time?
look I think jigsaw may be alive. I know that might piss some people off but, well maybe not. I believe part 4 may start with dr gordon coming in to kill jeff and free the daughter. why free her, well remember how concerned dr gordon was for his daughter in the first movie? he wouldn't want to hurt a kid. dr. gordon takes jigsaw out and amanda. she's dead he's just about dead, gordon tries to save him and manages to hear him whisper something, a new game. We never actually see jigsaw die, so? as far as the supposed tagline legends never die, well... if they never find the body... then his legend lives!!! the game of four will somehow involve the cops having to run from place to place. and oh yeah that creepy cop from the beginning of part 3, he's in on it. All the previos movies tie together somehow in one HUGE twist that will make your jaw drop. WHO DOES/DID JIGSAW REALLY WORK FOR???!!!!! come on someone give me something to read!!!! THANKS.
Interesting idea to say the least, however, the way Jigsaw got cut to me there is no way he could be revived, and if the person above who said the doors close and lock is correct then how do you propose Dr gordon gets in?
I am not trying to ruin your idea in anyway at all I am just questioning some problematic points you brought up. Why would Doctor gordon want to kill Jeff? Jeff is innocent in all of this, no?
And finally to come to conclusion I don't think Jigsaw works for anyone, or at least thats what the films tell me.
i remember some guy said that jeffs daughter was jeffs daughter and so dr .gordan might want to kill jeff and take the girl
i dont think jigsaw is alive cause legends never die and that legend is eric matthews....maybe
oops i meant jeffs daughter is dr. gordons daughter
I was the one who mentioned earlier that dr. gordon is in on it. Thanks for the feedback keep it coming, I check in daily. Always enjoy knowing what other saw fans think. As to some of the holes in my idea allow me to clarify. When i have alot to say I rush and leave some things unclear. Heres my full idea. Saw 4 starts with dr gordon coming into the room. How someone asked. Well if he's on on it he would have the key to get in. why kill jeff? well jeff killed jigsaw. dr. gordon was monitoring things from afar, 4 minutes away to be precise. jeff's daughter is not dr. gordon's kid. he just doesn't want to kill a child. Jeff takes jigsaw's and amanda's bodies so no one will find them!! dr. gordon leaves behind the key to the room where jeff's daughter is and a tape and then calls the police and tells them to come to that location. when they arrive they find the tape which goes into great detail, and drops several clues, saying that police always waste their time. they spend so much time trying to find jigsaw that real murders go free and he is left to deal with them, why?? just wait. now they will be forced to find a bomb, which in the end is in a court house or jail. but to save the innocent people they will have to sacrifice themselves or a least parts of themselves. the woman in jigsaws flashbacks was his wife, more in a minute. earlier in the movie jigsaw is dropped off at the hospital by dr. gordon, he's dying, and will ultimatly die, he could live after his injuries, at least for awhile, I've watched medical shows on such injuries. he's just a decoy. at the end when the twist comes it is that dr. gordon is the real jigsaw, always has been, jigsaw john was just the visable person, with dr. gordon in the background. remember in the first film when the cops said jigsaw liked to have a front seat at his crimes, dr. gordon sacrifice his foot for the game, so did eric mathews, and john survived his suicide attempt. jigsaws wife was killed he joined dr. gordon for revenge, dr. gordon began his work because he watched others suffer who deserved life and watched bad people live happily ever after. eric mathews has a back story as well. and that creepy detective from the beginning of part 3, also in on it. jigsaw works for dr. gordon. they are all in on it. dr. gordon=THE REAL JIGSAW??? BOOM< TWIST. lots mor plot though but I'll leave some for you guy to help with. what do you think???????
Eric Matthews wasn't really a victim though. Ultimatey he was a pawn for Det. Matthews test. Although he was in danger it was always the plan for him to survive and end up in the safe. Hence why Amanda was there, ultimately to protect him. So why would he be the new Jigsaw?
To come back to the post at 9:32pm
I think it is a superb idea and don't have the time right now to comment too much on the plot unfortunately, you should write some ametuer scripts if that is the kind of thing you can come up with.
thanks for the complement. i hope you do comment when you get some time, i would love to hear it. as for writing some scripts, well i'm currently doing just that. looking forward to some new (and hopefully a little lengthly) opinions. i'll check in later today. see yah.
just tthe thought of dr. gordon being the new jigsaw or jigsaw anyway beacause then the movie wont be as good as the others cuz jigsaw is dead!!!!
I must say, when i first saw Saw3, i didnt think there would be another one, but how stupid of me, Jeff is left there and his daughter is missing. That would be wayy pointless for them to just end it.
I've done so much research on the internet trying to figure out some clue to the next one.
I've came up with some good stuff, but most of you on here are just pretty amazing about figuring this stuff out lol.
My boyfriend and i are HUGE Saw fans and can't wait for the next one.
But the last time i watched Saw3, i did notice the detective picking up evidence and carefully putting it in his pocket. He picked up one of those rings and he opened that box to make it seem like he was doing something, while constantly looking up to see if Carrie and the other guy were still talking so they didnt see him. But the camera kept on closing up on him instead of us just seeing him in the background, so you KNOW he has something to do with it. [and we dont for sure know what he stuck in his pocket. He picked up a ring, but we're not sure if thats what he put in his pocket.]
I was pretty excited about that discovery. hah.
But other then that, i pretty much agree with all of your brilliant ideas, but i guess we're not gonna know for sure until the next one comes out.
p.s. I dont think that Dr. Gordan will be the next Jigsaw, because that would just ruin it, and i dont think thats what most of these people are trying to say, but i do think he will be involved with the next one somehow.
well, thats all i have to say.
A few posts up someone questioned about Obi being seen in the scene with john and his wife/partner and i can confirm it!
in the credits there are two names that are brought up the guy who got his throat cut in saw 2 by daniel (but it states that he is dead) and Obi!
Well Danielle, Nice comments there however I don't quite understand why Dr Gordon being in IV would ruin it???
Author or 10:47pm:
Cheers for the confirmation, however it doesnt really matter, we know that he died and we dont know when the scene with him and his wife was but by the look of it, it was some time ago...
I was thinking that this whole thing at the end of saw 3 could of been a hillosination just like john had when he was having a sezuire so it could of been he was thinking what could of happened but who knows ahah I just can't wait until it comes out haha
I would like to point out this link which is used by many of us here already:
Aaron, if it didnt matter then why put him in saw 3 anyway, im pretty sure they arent short of extras tbh.
the fact that he's there may lead us to find out his friendship with John, afterall he kidnapped the people for saw 2, he may have something to do with the lady John is with too.
as a moderator you should know better then the rest of us that in saw movies, every detail matters.
i mentioned before about the problems of Dr. Gordon being back for another saw film (i have heard rumours that there was a few problems regarding his pay at the end of saw which is why his survival/death was never confirmed)
If they do get him back for the 4th film he will be revealed as jigsaw at the end and uses a voice changer or something along those lines in order to disguise his voice and sound more like jigsaw. i know you're probably thinking "why didnt amanda use one then" and thats because as far as she cared it didnt matter if eric survived or not, he was going to be killed and so wouldnt have had the chance to tell anyone, same as why she walked out in the middle of carrie's game.
just aa weird thing i picked up on while watching saw 3 (it's probably nothing) but when amanda picks up the "reverse bear trap" she wore in saw1 she goes to put it on the taple.. while doing this it cuts to the scene with John preparing the puppet, but u see the trap being put down on the table he is sat at. it may just be how they decided to film it, or maybe someone else was putting the final touches to it?
i think Dr Gordon will be a good idea for a new jigsaw, but if they cant get the actor back then they have helped themselves by making a potential 2nd jigsaw out of the detective from Troys game.
Author of 10:42AM
I am only putting my personal opinions accross here, my views are of no way the views of
No no Aaron, thats not exactly what i meant. Dr. Gordan in Saw4 would be awesome, but just not as the new Jigsaw.
Jigsaw is the one who makes the Saw movies so great, pretty much.
I think it would be awesome if Gordan was in the new one as like, working for Jigsaw or something like that.
I just dont want Jigsaw to be dead. That would seriously be stupid. I'd be really dissaponted.
[and whoever brought up the hillucination concept, i never thought about that and it seems pretty out there, but hey, its something we havn't thought of yet.]
All you guys are amazing.
keep the comments coming.
ok a couple more things to suggest Dr gordon is or was working with John
1) in amandas game (reverse bear trap) where does jigsaw get the stuff to make that guy appear to be dead
2) where does John get the stuff to relax his muscles and slow his heart rate for Dr.Gordons game.
Sorry about that Danielle I didn't quite pickup what you meant before but I understand full, I just don't see how John could still be alive unless it was the hillucination concept...
Author of 10:04:
Its a nice idea that you thought of however its not conclusive but on saying that what is lol, I do think it could be possible however.
lol its alright.
but shortly after Gordan crawled out of the room in the end of Saw one, Jigsaw walked out of there and shut the door and the point of Jigsaw's games are too escape the traps and then he will let you live [unless Amanda kills them. hah] but Gordan escaped his trap, [hence, cutting his foot off] and so Jigsaw must have ran into him, and probably took him in. idk but in 2 & 3 when people run and walk up and down those halls, you NEVER see his body, but in the bathroom you see his foot? So that pretty much means the directors either screwed up [which isn't too likely for them to make a slip up like that] or theres a reason, and im bettin theres a reason :]
Danielle I have to comment about your comment that the directors may have slipped up, although its not very likely they would slip up on something that big they did make quite a few errors in the production and filming of III
Saw is a planned 7 series movie, better come up with more than 5 movies.
When I saw Saw 3 i got really bummed out thinking, there goes the last movie. and it didnt even have a very climactic ending. But then i heard about Saw 4. So now I'm confused. How can there be a fourth, if John and Amanda, the only two "villians" introduced so far, have been murdered. The fourth one is going to be really interesting.
Author of 7:48pm, saw is not a 7 part series it is a 5 part series
Author of 1:28am, this is what we have been discussing here from the start.
hey sorry i havent posted in a while and there has been quite a few great comments but i dont think the authors could slip up that bad and they couldnt have because there was no body in the hallway because he must have got helped because he is in saw 2 on michaels trap
Amanda said she murdered Detective Matthews in Saw 3 right? And there is absolutely NO WAY for Gordon to have escaped, even though he got out of the bathroom. Remember Saw 2? Look at that house! It just isnt possible that he escaped, at least the way I see it. But hell if he did then I guess I've been proven wrong. Let me know if anyone has any other ideas as to what's to happen in the Saw series.
Im not sure if it is only a 5 part series i only know that Tobin Bell has signed up for 5. there may be more just with a different "jigsaw"
I don't know if anyone has said this before as i cud not be bothered reading all the comments lol.
I have to say that I believed Saw III was the end, but as so many have said it clearly was not, Saw IV should be about the man's search for his missing daughter, and with several challenges, that become more extreme and sadistic as he completes them.
This is where my version of Saw IV would end and lead into a fifth and final instalment, The man would finally find his daughter confined in an abandoned warehouse, as they get ready to leave the door slams shut and we can hear the jigsaw dummy's incessant laughing, when suddenly a voice is heard, it is the same eerie voice of John, the man turns to see a tv screen, and on the tv screen is not John, but Dr Gordon, and he signals the end of the man and his daughter, and the end of the Saw IV.
So I hear u ask what can Saw V be about, well I think it shud show that Dr Gordon was behind the whole thing, he trained up John to do his dirty work after the sadistic dr gordon had tortured John during his time in the hospital, (all this unravels itself during the film), so in actual fact it had nothing to do with John, but it was Dr Gordons sick fantasy the whole time.
Well so far 56% think that Gordon is alive based on the survey that was in this blog post. I say he is alive.
I prsonally loved Saw I and II and number III outstandingly gory wich I love. I'm looking forward to Saw IV and I hope Lionsgate makes a 4th one. Keep it up Lionsgate.
Just a quick comment to say keep all these comments coming in folks, I don't have anymore suggestions but I am enjoying reading these...
In Saw 3, when John has a flashback to his "love", what says he can't have a child that he persuades to carry on his work for him? Unlikly yes, but it could happen.
hah. sooo, i found the actual plot summary of Saw4 on the imdb website, & when those are posted on that website, it's a sure thing :]
but apparently Jigsaw is dead, & it says someone from the first movie comes back with a different outlook on life..obviously it's Dr. Gordan because everyone else from the first one died, & hes just the best candidate for it.
Danielle try and watch the language here please, there are young people browsing too more than likely :)
Anyway I too am excited :D
psh. like they dont hear enough profanity in the world anyways.
& if they're browsing this website about the Saw movies, im sure they're pretty educated about it.
so. whatever.
the judge that supposely died when he got shot by the gun jeff untied in saw 3 is really jigsaw hes a great make up artsist and he laying against the wall waiting
Sorry but I am finding that extremely difficult to believe...
i think that the man was not jigsaw and jigsawe is still alive or amanda is alive and now relies on medicine that john was on
if u go 2 google and type in saw 4 and on one of the m it says that amanda drags herself to the hospital and then i think that she will have a different way of testing people.
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