Monday, February 13, 2006

Cheney Already Found On Parody T-Shirts About His Hunting Skills

A Dick Cheney T-shirt Found at Vice-President Dick Cheney is being portrayed on T-shirts making fun of his "accidental" shooting of lawyer Harry Whittington while hunting in Texas. It seems the act of producing these parody t-shirts is happening quicker than the news of the hunting accident itself.

On Monday, many members of the media criticized the White House's delay of reporting the shooting incident.

The Cheney t-shirts and other items can be found at Some examples from the Web site include T-shirts that read, "Guns Don't Kill People...Vice Presidents Do, " while another reads, "Dick Cheney Shot Me And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt."

"We have an average of 300,000 individual searches for merchandise in our Marketplace everyday," explains CafePress CEO and Founder Fred Durham. "Today, merchandise related to the Cheney shooting has entered into the Top 10 for all searches. It's the perfect example of entrepreneurial spirit found in the CafePress community; once again the pulse of America makes it to the CafePress Marketplace."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forget which network I had on, either CNN or FOX. They were teasing a story on the Cheney shirts on cafepress

4:03 PM  

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