Friday, January 27, 2006

No Plans For Valentine's Day Yet? How About White Castle?

Why anybody would think that taking their special one to White Castle for their Valentine's Day dinner is beyond me, but the famous squared hamburger server is taking reservations for just that. Between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. on February 14, White Castle will have a special event in all of their restaurants.

There was no mention of price, but the reservations will include a candelight dinner, flower adorned tables, along with other decorations, and a special menu with items that will be served from table side service.

"We hear many stories from married cravers for whom White Castle is a special part of their lives together, be it because they met at a White Castle or because when they were young it was a fun place to go that they could afford and it has remained so for them. With this history of 'royal' love affairs, a special Valentine's Day dinner at White Castle is a natural fit," said Kim Bartley, Vice President of Marketing and Site Development. "For some of our regions we have been offering this special evening for sixteen years and are excited to now make it available to customers across all of our regions. It's an event our customers and team members really enjoy and have fun with."

Reservations can still be made by calling one of the following local offices in your area.

Chicago (708) 458-4450, Cincinnati (513) 559-0575, Columbus (614) 294-3753, Detroit (248) 477-1450, Indianapolis (317) 269-4590, Louisville (502) 361-2317, Minneapolis/St. Paul (651) 646-1811, Nashville (615) 834-5798, New Jersey (732) 381-4343, New York (718) 899-8404, Northeast Ohio (216) 741-9780, St. Louis (314) 535-7430.

I don't know about you, but I think if I told my girlfriend that our Valentine's Day dinner reservations were made at White Castle, it would most likely end up being our last dinner together before she changes her number and e-mail address and never speaks to me again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can they handle a wedding party of 30 including the rabbi?

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no place I'd rather go with my husband on Valentine's Day than to White Castle :-)

3:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

R Y Kiddin me I LOVE THOSE HOT LITTLE BUNS, but common Valentines I would be thrown out the car if I showed up with my date, to have dinner here on Valentines! Better get Harold and Kumar to sign autographs next time...!

6:48 PM  

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