Tuesday, January 03, 2006

iLoad your iPod with ease

Have an iPod or are you thinking about getting one but don't have a PC or MAC? Wingspan is introducing two devices that will ease the loading of music and videos to your iPod by skipping the need for a PC. The iLoad will allow you to transfer your CDs straight to your iPod.

While the iLoad will only do transfers from CD's, the iLoad-V connects to your cable or satellite box to transfer video to your iPod video capable player. As of publication of this story, there was no mention of if the iLoad-V will behave like a DVR allowing one to schedule recordings.

Both devices should be available in March, according to the iLoad Web site. The iLoad will be $249.99 and the iLoad-V will be $149.99. The shiny white design matches the iPod design well, unless you have a black iPod. Sounds like a great device, but I have a few issues with it. Why didn't they combine both devices into one, that would seem to make more sense? Also, there is a fee of $9.99 every time a user wants to update the music database when new albums are released which is done via a CD rather than a straight-to-device download.

A visit to the iLoad Web site will show you not only what the iLoad looks like, but that there are several skins available to personalize it. These skins are $29.95 for a pack of 10 blank skins. There will be pre-designs available for print, but to get even more personal I am sure you can design your own instead.


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