Monday, January 09, 2006

Exit CES 2006, Enter Macworld 2006

The curtain has fallen on the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. We all got a glimpse at how intense, and ridiculous, the looming format war between the HD-DVD camp and the Blu-ray camp will be for the next generation home video market. Like politics in America, technological gadgets seem to be going in two different directions. On one side, things are getting much larger like the Samsung 82-inch LCD HDTV. On the other side, things are shrinking, like we saw with the LG FM30 portable video player, with it's 1.77" OLED screen.

However, as much as we enjoyed hearing and seeing all of these great little gadgets that will run up our credit card debt and make us go broke again this year, Apple still has a show all to themselves with this year's Macworld. In usual Apple/Steve Jobs fashion, the new products and services being announced are held in secrecy until their unveiling at the show.

Buzzing around in the minds of Apple fanatics and Apple haters alike are questions of what will be revealed this week. While not much is planned for Monday's opening day, the biggest news should be revealed tomorrow during Steve Jobs' keynote presentation.

Analysts and fanboys all across the globe are speculating the Apple announcements will include updates to iTunes, including new show offerings not only from the current network selection of NBC, ABC and the Sci-Fi Channel, but maybe even from CBS and FOX. Other rumblings in the news and blog world talk about Apple's next generation notebooks with their inclusion of an Intel chipset rather than the typical Apple one. A move that some Apple fans do not approve of.

Once things are announced, you can count on theWEBiSODE to comment on them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about all this stuff. I'm still quite satisfied with 20th century technology.

11:38 PM  

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