Battlestar Galactica 'Webisodes' Coming to Sci Fi Channel Web Site

Each new webisode will premiere on Tuesdays and Thursdays at midnight EST until the series premiere October 6 on the Sci Fi Channel.
This is a new marketing approach that seems to mimic the popularity of portable video devices such as the iPod and video over broadband with sites such as Google Video and YouTube.
“It was challenging on several levels,” said Erik Storey, vice president of programming at Sci Fi. “Each of the Webisode chapters had to be close-ended, with a beginning, a middle and an end, and each of those chapters is going to be three minutes, four minutes. And there had to be a little cliffhanger ending for each one.” - Quote taken from a New York Times story published September 5, 2006.
The 10 webisodes are available on the Web site.
While iTunes offers the Battlestar Galactica series, as of publication, they have not added any of the 10 webisodes.